The Hometown Treasure September 2012 | Page 19

Vincent J. Coda, DPM Board-certified Podiatrist Specializing in the latest podiatric corrective procedures and treatments at very competitive pricing including: corrective bone surgery, bunion removal and custom-made prescription orthotics. Serving northeast Indiana in four convenient locations: Kendallville, IN Shipshewana, IN 410 E. Mitchell Street LaGrange, IN Parkview FirstCare Building 8175 W US 20 Parkview LaGrange Hospital 207 N. Townline Road Angola, IN 3250 Intertech Drive Schedule an appointment today: 260-347-2833 oR (800) 782-FooT (3668). CrossRoads RV Building New Corporate Headquarters In Topeka CrossRoads RV and the LaGrange County Economic Development Corporation, in conjunction with the Town of Topeka, announced in mid-August the construction of a new corporate headquarters building at their facilities in Topeka, IN. CrossRoads RV, a division of Thor Industries, is headquartered in Topeka. This project will consist of the construction of a new 22,000 square-foot corporate headquarters facility adjacent to their current manufacturing campus and will support the creation of up to 10 new positions, as well as the retention of current staffing levels. The Town of Topeka council, at the request of the LaGrange County Economic Development Corporation, approved the use of tax abatements on the investment into the new facility at their August 13th meeting, estimated to be valued at around $2 million dollars in total. “We are grateful for the continued support we receive and the partnership we have created with the Town of Topeka,” said Michael Kloska, Executive Vice-President of CrossRoads RV. “Building our new corporate headquarters in Topeka demonstrates our commitment to the community. The Town of Topeka continues to offer a quality workforce and a pro-business environment, which makes it a great place to do business.” “CrossRoads RV continues to be a great partner in the Town of Topeka, and we’re very excited that they continue to expand their operations within LaGrange County,” said Keith Gillenwater, President & CEO of the LaGrange County Economic Development Corporation. The Hometown Treasure · September ‘12 · pg 17