September 2011
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Westview School Board
by Luke Pamer
8/11/2011 - The meeting started off with the The routes were reassigned as they are every year. Also,
revealing of the ISTEP scores for the corporation. the schedule for combining teams going to away sports
Director of Curriculum, Robert Evans, led the events worked out more.
discussion. Overall, Evans felt as if the corporation did
The last major topic was the discussion on
“pretty darn good.” Twelve out of the sixteen topics technology. The discussion was headed by Robert
tested by ISTEP improved since last school year. The Evans, Tony Bontrager, and Superintendent Dr. Randy
other four? They missed improving by less than one Zimmerly. The general feeling is that things are going
percent. Evans said that he wants students and teachers well. There was a change from the Novell system to the
to “keep on working.” The board would like to see the Windows system at Meadowview that will eventually take
scores get into the 90th percentile. One problem that place all across the board for the corporation. Robert
kept appearing through the scores was the science Evans then exclaimed how “excited” he was for new
portion. The board schemed ways to integrate science technology to come. Westview is currently working
into more of the other subjects taught. An example on a new social networking site similar to Facebook,
of this would mean having students read books about only with educational related ideas. This could be a
science during reading time to help them better way for a student at home to reach their teacher for
understand concepts. “We need to hit science harder,” a homework problem. The networking site is to be
said Robert Evans. The board will be reviewing what is called “My Big Campus.” As Westview heads more and
taught during science classes and will make any changes more into the world of technology, some people have
to help the students learn better.
expressed their dislike for the ideas. However, the board
Next was a 2012 budget report by Director of stands by moving towards technology. They feel as if
Finance, Tony Bontrager. The 2012 budget will have a technology could really help their students expand and
public hearing September 8th. It will then be adopted learn. “We might not be able to buy textbooks in four
on October 13th.
years,” said Zimmerly. The advancement for technology
School bus transportation drove 12,000 less miles only shows once again, that Westview is dedicated to
than a year before. This is contributed to a few reasons. the betterment of their students.
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