Smart Choices
by Thomas Miller, RPh, Topeka Pharmacy
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
o matter what your
politics are, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also
known as Obamacare, will
have an impact. We hear many questions about this topic and would like to
highlight the following to help you understand some of the coming changes:
The government will try to make
affordable health care available
to most people, with the focus
being on prevention and wellness,
and over-all reduction of healthcare spending.
There will be more emphasis on
communication between providers
and specialists in order to avoid
tests being repeated unnecessarily.
Payment to healthcare providers
will be affected by how well the
patient does in the long run.
In keeping with this emphasis on
prevention and wellness, we can all
make important choices concerning
our own health. Some ideas are:
Care at “home” will be emphasized
and will be reimbursed by insurance more often than before.
Healthy eating and wellness will
result in lower “out of pocket”
expense … we can all share the
benefit over time.
Wellness exams and screenings
will be covered more completely
for virtually everyone.
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Maintain or establish a healthy
weight through sensible eating and
regular exercise.
Make fast food and big sugary
drinks a treat ... not a lifestyle!
Get immunized (even adults).
Wash your hands regularly, especially during the flu season.
Do routine maintenance with your
primary providers (doctor, dentist,
eye doctor) in order to catch health
problems early.
Payment to hospitals and posthospital care will be based more on
the achievement of positive results
of treatment.
Avoid known harmful habits like
the use of tobacco and illegal
drugs, or excess alcohol use.
The new healthcare law will involve
a “Marketplace” that will open October 1, 2013. Coverage will start on
January 1, 2014. If you do not have
coverage, there will be a penalty that
will increase yearly to the maximum
allowed. The penalty will be waived if
you belong to certain groups including
the Amish church. Go to for more information and
enrollment, or call 800-318-2596. Your
pharmacy will also be able to help you
navigate the new marketplace.
As always, you can count on
Topeka Pharmacy for classes on wellness and diabetes. We have a dietitian
on staff to help you and your family
achieve better health every day.
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