The Hometown Treasure October 2013 | Page 19

Spiritual Treasure M y life verse is Mark 16:15 “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature.” I use it as a reminder of our responsibility to share our faith with anyone that we meet. We have become far too attached to the temporary things of this life and aren’t thinking about eternity, which is kind of a long time! When you are a Christian, you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, ask Him to forgive you of all your sins, and trust that He rose three days later from the grave. You make a decision that shapes your life now and forever. It’s easy for us to fill our days with distractions and we forget or become too lazy to share our faith with others. We need to remember, “People need God.” It’s our responsibility to share the Gospel with everyone. I once heard that the two worst by Mark Campbell, Pastor at Topeka First Baptist Church things to have conversations about are religion and politics, so I won’t bore you with politics, because there aren’t enough words to express that mess, nor will I distract you with religion and any certain denomination and their beliefs. I will share what God’s Word says very clearly. We are all sinners, no one is perfect when compared to God - Romans 3:23. We all need a Savior, we can’t get to Heaven without it, no amount of good works can get us there. We need Him so we don’t have to spend eternity in Hell - John 3:16; Romans 6:23. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. The definition of grace is, “Getting something we don’t deserve.”- Ephesians 2:8-9 The full gospel is trusting by faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that confession of faith – Romans 10:9-10. For the last three years our church has sent Bibles to different countries because we strongly believe that the world needs the Gospel of Jesus just as much as America does. The average American home has at least one Bible, some have five or more. The sad part is, they go unused until Sunday rolls back around, and then we’re Super Christians again for the day. If someone in a third world country gets their hands on God’s Word they treasure it, protect it, read it and share it with others, because they have nothing else in this life. We need that urgency, that fire to share our faith and fall in love with God’s word and spread the gospel! This October we are assembling 25,000 Scriptures in two days. If you want to reach the world for Jesus in your home town, stop by Topeka First Baptist Church and we will get you involved! You have been Challenged! How will you Respond? Our thanks to the local pastors f ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!?????? ????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Q???!??????Q??????+?P?????((