The Hometown Treasure
A Monthly Magazine Published by
Aurora Services, Inc.
Circulation: 8,500
Serving the towns of Shipshewana & Topeka & the
entire Westview School Corporation since 2000.
Mail: P.O. Box 744, Shipshewana, IN 46565
Located at 4425W US 20, Suite 4
halfway between Shipshewana & LaGrange
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax: 888-439-6528
e-mail: [email protected]
You may call or stop by during office hours:
Monday - Friday, 8 am-5 pm
Dan & Dawn Byler, Owners
Jerry Hostetler, News Editor
Justin Geigley, Layout Editor
Esther Wenger, Customer Service
Sharon Herschberger, Office Manager
Melody DuVal & Abby Wenger, Graphic Designers
Melissa Byler, Word Find/Clueless Crossword
David Lane, Writer, Delivery • Rod Lantz, Sales
Harold Gingerich, Featured Story Contributor
Luke Pamer, Sports/Staff Writer
Beth Hochstetler, Typesetting
Jenny Burroughs, Classified Ads & Receivables
Dan Pruitt & Roger Wenger Contributing Photographers
width x height
1/12 page.............................. 23/8” x 23/8”..........$36
1/6 page.(Vertical)............. 23/8” x 47/8”
or.(Horizontal) ....... 47/8” x 23/8”..........$70
1/3 page.(Vertical)............. 23/8” x 97/8”
or.(Square)............... 47/8” x 47/8”
or.(Horizontal)........ 73/8” x 31/8”.......$135
Back row (left to right) : Amiah May, Mim Gingerich, Kali Plutowski, Dylan Mast, Emily Christner, Kody
Hunt, Lynn Mast, and Matthew Byler. Front: Dorene Miller, Kaitlyn Bontrager, Iris Uresti, and Olivia
Photo Submitted
2/3 page.............................. 47/8” x 97/8”.......$250
WJHS - August 2012
1/2 page.............................. 7 /8” x 4 /8”.......$192
Principal’s Dozen
Full Page.............................. 73/8” x 97/8”.......$325
Westview Junior High School recognizes the following students during the
month of August for their efforts in academics, hard work in class, caring, leadership, citizenship, athletics, or random acts of kindness to others.
Free Estimates!
Inside Front.............................. 73/8” x 97/8”.......$400
59323 CR 35
Middlebury, IN 46540
Inside Back................... ????????????????t???????t???????????($? ????
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