Classified Ads
BENEFIT ADVERTISING POLICY: We offer a $40 discount on advertising for
any specific benefit event. Up to 100 words of advertising, could run FREE twice in
the classified ads. Larger ads will have the discount deducted from the total bill.
FOUND ADVERTISING POLICY: The Hometown Treasure offers FOUND ads FREE. We ask that you pay for any LOST ads.
FLAT BED DELIVERIES, wide loads, We can also help you start collecting that
DUMP TRAILER, top soil, duck manure, information if you aren’t already doing
limestone, etc. Roger Kaufman. 260- it. Aurora Services, Inc., 260-463-4901.
---------------------------- M-----------------------------499-0659.
--------------------- 10-11-12 (R)----------------------BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! We have
Mattress: WANT A BETTER MAT- a prime location for a farmer’s market/
TRESS for less money? Full sets start- mini flea market. We would welcome you
ing at $165 & up. King, Queen, Twin to try a stand here in Waterloo, IN on
sets. Also, Memory Foam Mattress. Will US 6 just west of Interstate 69. We are
Deliver. Dusty Lane Home Accessories, renting spaces 15’x15’ for $10 for both
8020W 050N, Shipshewana, IN 46565. Fri. & Sat. Please call us at 260-494-5620.
--------------------- 10-11-12 (R)----------------------WHEEL CHAIR VAN: 1 owner, 2003
Mailing Services - Do you have a Ford w/lift, 120,850 miles, very good
list of customer addresses ... but you’re condition, asking $10,000 offers connot sure what the best way is to contact sidered. Timothy Groosbeck, 10085W
them again? Talk to us! We can add to, 100S, Angola, IN 46703. 260-665-8906.
delete from, and update your mailing list --------------------------10-11---------------------------for you; do bulk mailings; and provide The Blue Gate Restaurant is HIRING
you with alphabetical lists of all your GREAT SERVERS. Please apply at the
contacts to make it easy for you to look Corporate office located across the street
someone up. Your best customers are at the Craft Barn, 105 E Middlebury St,
those that have already bought from you! Shipshewana. 260-768-4725.
5 GAL. BUCKETS w/ lids for sale! $1.25
ea. (50 or more $1/ea) For lg. quantities
please call ahead. Snax In Pax, Inc., 204
Hawpatch Dr., Topeka. 260-593-3066.
CRAFT BAZAAR at Lima United Methodist Church Oct. 27, 8-2. Tables available
for vendors. Call Jessica 260-562-2537.
ANNUAL CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER: Oct. 20, 4-7pm, Scott UMC, 7020N
675W, 1 mile north of SR 120, Shipshewana. Suggested donation: $7, children
8 & under: $3.50. Proceeds to missions.
Menu: chicken gravy, biscuits, ham loaf,
salads, vegetables & desserts.
available at Aurora Services, 4425W US
20, LaGrange, IN 46761. $33.95 + tax.
Shipping available for $6.95. 260-4634901.
Jac Price
County Commissioner
Middle District
1. Serves on Ec