By Menno Hochstedler
Say What?!
True communication seems to
have gone by the wayside in this day
and age when details are omitted and
assumptions are made, such as in
texting. We may find ourselves falling
into this trap when we seek physical
help for our bodies, or spiritual help
for our souls, leaving out vital information that could aid in the diagnosis
and prognosis. Now lets apply that to
mechanical problems with our appliances. There needs to be a balance
between explaining too little or too
much, at the time when communication between the one seeking help and
the one providing help is concerned.
There may be a tendency to abbreviate
our problem, assuming that the “doctor” already knows what the problem
Tech Minutes
is, and not wanting to
waste their time with
details. This can actually waste more
time and money in the long run. Just
because the one seeking help might
have been dealing with the problem for
a while, doesn’t automatically place the
one with the answers onboard when
the scenario started.
Because I work in the mechanical/
appliance arena, I will be addressing
this part for the rest of the article. I
have very few of those seeking answers that also have all the clues that I
need, without me asking many questions first to their appliance or other
household device problems. That is not
all bad, as usually it makes for a good
balance, the one seeking answers not
adding too much useless information,
thus allowing the
problem-solver to
start with most to
least likely types of
questioning. On the same token, the
one supposedly having the answers
needs to garner the correct amount of
information, before making a conclusive prediction that will fix the problem. Phone conversations never come
close to being as good as being on-site
when diagnosing what is wrong with
an appliance. But if you are talking
with an experienced problem-solver,
they may be able to give the one seeking answers enough vital information,
allowing funds that would have been
spent on a visit to be diverted to a new
Mechanical things will break down
from time to time. When this occurs,
make notes of what’s happening, being prepared with in ??X][?]B???\??[?[[?\??Y[ZY?\????[?K????[[?H?]X][??\??H\??]??H\????X?H?]Y?]??[???X][??[?\??Y???Y?\?[]8?&\???H[??H???HH?[\?[?H??Y????XYH??H????\?H??][?????[?H[?\???\?[?\???]?\??\X?\?Y?\??\?Y?[???]\[?\???X??X?Y?X?[HZ[?Y??[?HB???S?S???T??P?T??]][?X?Y^X?[??????[Y\?X?[???XZ?\???(?Z[H[???X?X[??x?(??[???????\?\???(???YH ?[???HH?[ZHX?\[??B??x?(??][????LL?YX[???8?(??Z?KS?