Community Calendar
Your source for what’s happening
11/1 Fall Break - No School
3 Daylight Savings Time Ends
4 LaGrange Comm. Mtg................ 9
6 TES Grandparents Day
Shipshe Park Brd Mtg............4:30
7 JH Parent Shadow Day..........8:15
SES Moments with Mom
8 WHS Musical.........................7:30
9 Holiday Light Parade.................. 6
WHS Musical.........................7:30
10 WHS Musical.........................2:30
11 Veterans Day
MES PTO Mtg........................2:30
Topeka Town Council Mtg......... 5
HS Fall Sports Awards...........6:30
12 Breakfast w/the Birds @ Maple
Wood Nature Center.............8:30
Power of the Purse Topeka......1-1
13 WES PTO Mtg........................3:30
14 Shipshewana Town Council....... 6
School Board Mtg....................... 7
18 LaGrange Comm. Mtg................ 9
Topeka Park Board Mtg.............. 5
19 TES PTO Mtg.............................. 4
24 Folk Jam @ Maple Wood.... ???N????BH?Z?H????[??[]?????????
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