We are LaGwana
Table of Contents
by Dan Byler
What started six months ago with
something mentioned by a friend in
passing has led to a new, larger, company. The comment by Aaron Stoltzfus,
owner of The Print Place in Shipshewana, was that he would be willing to
consider selling his printing business
to the right person. He was interested
in pursuing photography full time.
That comment was made in early
April. On Wednesday, October 24, the
final papers were signed for LaGwana
Printing, Inc. to acquire The Print
At that same time, papers were
signed for LaGwana Printing to buy
Aurora Services, publisher of The Hometown Treasure and The People’s Exchange.
Also at that time, my wife and I,
purchased additional stock in LaGwana
Printing, Inc.
What I see as the main benefit for
the community coming out of this is
that we now have a larger pool of very
creative people working together to
serve you! We don’t anticipate any big
changes in either of our publications.
We do see the possibility of being able
to offer some additional printing services in house that just wasn’t feasible
for either of the two printing companies to do on their own before.
We ask you to bear with us as we
figure out exactly who we are! We are
officially LaGwana Printing, Inc., but
since that name doesn’t quite cover
everything we do, we are determining
what name we will do business as. For
now don’t be surprised if you still hear
the names Aurora Services and The
Print Place if you call us. We are wanting to involve our employees and our
customers in the process to figure out
what we should be called.
Some of you might be aware that
a similar remark from Leon Yoder of
Legendary Design had included him
in some of our discussions of mergers
and buy outs. Leon’s concern was not
having enough time to do everything.
He has reorganized some things to
allow him to continue on and we have
decided to keep on our separate ways.
Dawn and I have purchased some
land on the west edge of Shipshewana,
on the southeast corner of CR 250N
and CR 850W. Lord willing, we are
hoping to start construction in the
spring on a new building to house
us all. For the time being, our printing will be at the former Print Place
location just west of 5 & 20 and the
publishing will stay at our 4425W US
Hwy 20 address.
Monthly Feature
Salute To Veterans................................. 14-21
The front cover features Jack Griffith.
Healthy Hearts, Healthy Homes.......29
Smart Choices....................................... 7
Spiritual Treasures.............................13
Spotlight on Nature...........................23
Contests & Puzzles
Clueless Crossword.............................. 5
Coloring Contest......................... 22, 62
Drawing Contest.................................63
Gold Coin Contest..............................63
Mystery Farm Contest......................... 5
Word Search......................................... 4
Everything Else
Classified Ads .....................................43
Community Calendar .................. 38-40
Display Advertiser Listing.................64
Hometown Church Listings..............61
Kids’ Club (Birthday Page).................55
LaGrange County Council .......... 52-53
LaGrange County Library.................... 6
Shipshewana Town News..................62
Westview School Board .....................39
Westview Sports Section............... 8-11
Back row (left to right): LaGwana owners Dawn Byler, Jerry Hostetler, Roger Wenger and Dan Byler.
Front: LaGwana owner Ray Bontrager and The Print Place owners, Aaron and Bernice Stoltzfus.
The Hometown Treasure · November ‘12 · pg 1