by Brenda Yoder, MA,
Counselor & Education Consultant for Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center
The winds of fall are
tions can cause others to simply dread
holiday events.
here. We all anticipate what
October was Domestic Violence
the coming months bring –
Awareness month. Recently, reports
snow, cold weather, and The
of domestic violence in the county and
Holidays. To some, the prospect of the the state have increased. In 2004 the
holidays brings excitement, warmth,
National Institute of Justice reported
and songs of Bing by the fire. To otha correlation between high unemers, however, thoughts of the holidays ployment and violence in homes. In
bring melancholy, moodiness, and even addition to unemployment and tight
depression. In these cases, decking the finances, stresses of depression, anxihalls doesn’t sound like much fun.
ety and frustration accompanying the
Some may not understand why the holidays can contribute to unhealthy
most “magical” time of the year would behavior. Being aware of moods and
be something to dread. While holidays stress levels as the holidays approach
bring families together and fosters
can assist in diminishing potentially
thanks-giving, holiday ideals often
harmful behavior.
bring heartache and pain. Holidays
With that in mind, here are some
can mean loneliness to those separated things to consider for a less stressful,
or estranged from family members or
healthier holiday:
those grieving a recent death. Lack of
• Set realistic expectations. Those
finances is a common stress for famiidyllic family pictures all gathered
lies at the holidays, and the inability to around the dinner table or Christmas
give or receive gifts can cause discour- tree are just that – pictures. In real
agement. And unrealistic expecta-
life, someone is usually arguing over
who carved the turkey last year or who
broke the childhood toy from twenty
years ago. If you put more than one
person in a room, drama will happen. It’s easy to get discouraged if the
perception of The Holidays is “perfect.”
Real life isn’t perfect.
• Let go of the past. Holidays can
bring up past memories laden with
pain and regret. Just like every other
day, each holiday is new and different
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