Winford operates his store with
All of the other mentioned products
the belief that all of his employees have
are provided by cottage industries
their unique abilities and talents that
located within the Shipshewana
he integrates into his business to make
community. Winford expressed his
it successful.
appreciation for the quality products
Many that have grown up in the
that these community based busiShipshewana area probably take for
nesses provide. “The community is
granted the unique features of this
very important to our store’s success,” hometown hardware store. Certainly if
exclaimed Winford.
one were to step into a hardware store
Other unique items in the store
in Chicago, Detroit or even Indiacan be found huge selection of housenapolis, one wouldn’t find many of the
wares, including cast iron items, enam- products that can be found at Yoder’s
elware and homemade soap, lip balm
Shipshewana Hardware.
and candy. This section is very popular
How ‘bout some corn shellin’?.....
with the tourists as well as the local
Unique Angle... cont. from 16
The new checkout in the back of ???????)??????