And it’s outta here! Judah Zickafoose hits the
first home-run of the game for Westview in the
game against Elkhart Christian on Mon., April
15, 2013.
Tarrin Beachy eyes the pitch in the game against
Elkhart Christian on Mon., April 15, 2013.
Damon Miller winds up for the pitch in the
game against Elkhart Christian on Mon., April
15, 2013.
Jacob Berkey in mid-swing for Westview in the
game against Elkhart Christian.
Kohle Christner sets himself and gets ready at
first base to catch any balls that come his way at
the game against Elkhart Christian.
pg 40 · The Hometown Treasure · May ‘13
Sports photos by
Abby Wenger.
Hunter Christner catching against
Elkhart Christian.