Students Learn
About Construction
The Introduction to Agriculture,
Food and Natural Resources classes,
taught by Mr. Baker and Mr. Bender,
recently completed three dog houses as
part of their course work. During this
unit of study, students learned how to
read and draw simple floor plans, do
basic wall framing, how rafters are calculated and cut, and how roofing and
vinyl siding materials are applied. The
students then applied their knowledge
when constructing their dog houses.
LCCF Presents Check To SAHS
Shipshewana Area Historical Society (SAHS) representatives accept a
grant award from the LaGrange County
Community Foundation (LCCF) in
the amount of $2,000 to develop and
present local history at community
elementary schools. Attending are (left
to right) Sharon Bowen, SAHS Public
Relations officer and project educator;
Brenda Lazzaro Yoder, SAHS project
educator; Roberta Markley, SAHS
President; Steve Scott-Welty, LCCF
Vice President; and Steve Frisk, SAHS
project educator. The presentation was
made at the historical society’s new
headquarters located at the restored
Farver School in Shipshewana.
Westview Prom
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and
girls, the 2013 Westview Prom will be
held at Bread and Chocolate located in
the Old Bag Factory in Goshen on May
4 at 8 pm. “Big Top Extravaganza” will
be the theme for this year’s prom. The
Grand March will be held in the Westview Wilson Auditorium beginning at 5
pm and the public is invited.
Rise’ n Roll
Donut Fundraiser
— May 3 —
At the Topeka Townwide Yard Sales
Selling in front of the Topeka Branch
Library. Look for signs in town as you
do your shopping.Sales will start at
7 am & last until supplies are gone.
All proceeds will go to Topeka Happy
Workers & Mini Helpers 4-H club
to use towards community service projects and
club operating expenses. Please come out, buy
a dozen donuts and help support the youth in
our community through your contribution.
$10 a Dozen • $1 Each
pg 28 · The Hometown Treasure · May ‘13
Presentation of the check.
Hometown Treasure photo