Westview Elementary
The students of Westview Elementary were very busy in April collecting
aluminum cans for their annual Riley
Hospital for Children can drive. Over
145,000 cans were collected by the
students this year. Kid’s Caring and
Sharing for Riley Hospital is a fundraising effort that encourages students
to give to other children without expecting anything in return. The Riley
Children’s Foundation believes, that
children who give to others at an early
age will continue to be philanthropists
throughout their lives.
There were six classrooms that
brought in more than 10,000 cans
each. The top two fifth-grade classrooms were Mrs. Sheets’s class and
Mr. Kevin Miller’s class. The top two
sixth-grade classrooms were Mr. Davis’s class and Mrs. Banghart’s class. To
reward students for their hard work,
a school-wide drawing was held for a
pizza party. Eleven classrooms qualified for the drawing, and the Westview
Elementary P.T.O. provided the pizza
for Mr. Stump’s class and Mr. Berkey’s
class. A total of 145,123 cans were
brought to the school as donations.
Pictured above is Mr. Berkey’s sixth grade class. They were one of the two classes to receive a pizza party thrown by the PTO.
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