BIG Trees In LaGrange County
feet. Total 173.25 points. GPS N41.32.338 W085.22.550
Pignut Hickory(Carya glabra), owner Howe
Cemetery, , visible from road. The trunk circumference
is 125.25 inches, height is 102.5 feet and branch crown
spread is 83.38 feet. Total 248.85 points. GPS N41.42.877
Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), owner Janet
Welker, 209 N Mountain Street LaGrange, visible from
road. The trunk circumference is 142 inches, height
is 102 feet and branch crown spread is 76.1 feet. Total
263.03 points. GPS N41.38.727 W 085.25.259.
White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis), owner PierceWitmer Cemetery Johnson Township, , not visible from
road. The trunk circumference is 123.5 inches, height
is 65 feet and branch crown spread is 45 feet. Total
199.75 points. GPS N41.32.336 W 085.22.540.
To get a copy of the BIG Trees of LaGrange County
or a BIG Tree nomination form send a self-addressedstamped-envelope to LaGrange County Parks, 0505W
700S, Wolcottville, IN, 46795. You can also download the
BIG Trees of LaGrange County at lagrangecountyparks.
org/ pubs.html.
There is also a register of Big Trees of Indiana.
LaGrange County has had state champions listed in
the past. Currently there are no LaGrange County
champions in the state register. The 2010 Big Trees
of Indiana is available for download at http://www.
Page 67
In recognition of Arbor Day 2011, updates are
announced for the Register of BIG Trees of LaGrange
Since 1997 LaGrange County Parks has administered
a register of the largest specimens of trees indigenous
to LaGrange County. Eligible trees are determined on
the basis of being present before European- American
To determine a BIG Tree all nominations are judged
on a point system. The tree’s height, circumference
and crown spread determine a score that makes or
breaks a champion. The formula for calculating the
score is the circumference of the trunk in inches at 4
feet off the ground, plus the height in feet, plus one
fourth the average crown spread in feet.
Five new BIG Tree Champions are confirmed for
the 2011 edition of the BIG Tree Register. Two of these
champions are within the same cemetery north of
Wolcottville on county road 700S. The new champions
are as follows:
Black Walnut (Juglens nigra), owner Abe
Schmucker, 1600N 400W, not visible from road. The
trunk circumference is 157 inches, height is 99 feet and
branch crown spread is 84.3 feet. Total 277.08 points.
Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperous virginiana), owner
Pierce-Witmer Cemetery Johnson Township, , not
visible from road. The trunk circumference is 93.5
inches, height is 71 feet and branch crown spread is 35
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