June 2011
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
County Council Update
by Jac Price, Council Vice President
The May meeting opened with a presentation by budget time it was anticipated that we would be housing
LaGrange County Parks Superintendent Mike Metz enough Department of Correction (DOC) prisoners
regarding the need for transfer of funds to match to generate $850,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 in revenue.
two grants he received for Delt Church Park and for Since that time the DOC has reduced the number of
Pine Knob Park. The commissioners had suggested prisoners and the Federal DOC has decided not to
that these two matches be taken from the Riverboat house any prisoners in the LaGrange County Jail. This
Revenue Fund. After discussion, the council allowed will cause a shortfall $400,000.00 to $500,000.00. Also
the request with the following changes. Half of the we had only one insurance agency bid our liability
$31,146.00 match will be paid from Riverboat Fund and insurance package for 2011. Due to the loss ratio
the other half from the Park Board non-reverting fund. being excessive over the past few years the amount
Cheryl Weimer of Eberhard & Weimer law office that was budgeted was short of the actual amount bid
presented the annual Statement of Benefits report by $125,000.00. We have also been informed that the
for the tax abatement that the council had granted to amount approved for health insurance for this year is
Lennard Ag. It was noted by the council that this was underfunded based on the first 4 months of expense.
a refreshing change as normally the Auditors office All of this information comes on the heals of being
and the Tax Abatement Committee have to spend time informed by the State of Indiana that the county has
retrieving these reports.
been overpaid the past years of the income tax returned
The Commissioners reported that there are still from them. The amount of the over payment is over
some issues on the 250 North Road project just west $2,000,000.00. The repayment schedule has not been
of Shipshewana. One of the issues has to do with a forwarded, but we have been told that there will be
water line that is too close to the right-of-way and in a reduction of the 2012 & 2013 tax reimbursement
the process of being moved. Another issue is the use and any unpaid amounts will need to be paid in 2014.
of the closed road by other than folks who live in the
The County Council has received from the
construction. This travel has caused survey stakes and Department Heads their suggestions of budget cuts in
other damage being done at the project. It was reported each of their departments. To analyze these suggestions
that the sheriff had been requested to be on site to the council president appointed a committee of 3
control this problem. It was stated that given weather council members and 1 commissioner to meet and
conditions the project should be completed in June. report back to both bodies.
Since the April meeting presentation by Jeff Peters
The council approved the requests for Transfers,
indicating we would need to cut $300,000.00 from Additional Appropriation and a Salary Ordinance
the 2011 already approved budget and an additional amendment. Also the council approved the monthly
$800,000.00 from the upcoming 2012 budget there has legal claims of $14,920.46, of this the claims included
been additional information presented regarding items $5,700.00 for litigation, foreclosures, bankruptcy,
that have changed since last years budget adoption. At $6,400.00 for different contract validation and
$2,820.64 in normal monthly expenses.
The council voted to approve the Exchange
Agreement for the Fawn River Crossing property
from the county to the LaGrange County Economic
Development Corporation as soon as the final payment
is made to Wagner Construction.
Council meeting was called to order. The purpose was
a report to both bodies by the Highway Superintendent
Jeff Brill of the equipment inventory and long term
plans. Also there was a discussion on the liability
insurance package. This discussion was in regard to
Colby & CoJack Cheese $2.09/lb.
areas that could be adjusted to save money and not have
100# or more Ground Beef $2.94/lb.
an exposure to loss. The commissioners will consider
25# Fresh Ground Pork or Sausage $2.19/lb.
any action at their meeting on May 16th.
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As always, we will try to be good stewards of your tax