The Hometown Treasure June 2011 | Page 13

June 2011 Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure children made and flew their own kites on the family field. Volunteers helped the youngsters build the free kites from kits, made Photos by Justin Geigley and Dawn Byler Layout by Melody DuVal possible through a grant from the L.I.F.E. group. Members of the Hoosier Kite Fliers Society were on hand to help the kids launch their new creations. The “Candy Drops” were another highlight for the kids. Large bags of candy were taken up into the air by kites and released by a remote control. Over two hundred kids covered the landing field with bags in hand to collect the goodies. The events continued at the Davis Mercantile, where LCYC members helped kids build kites, hosted Scott Beam and his “Magic of Nature” magic show, and held a “Color a Kite” coloring contest. Over 85 children from the age of three to eleven entered a drawing in the contest. Jimmy Miller of Shipshewana was the grand prize winner, earning a $20.00 gift card to the Davis Mercantile. Due to the tremendous turnout and positive audience reactions, plans are already in the works to make the festival an annual event. The LaGrange Communities Youth Centers and Head Over Heels would like to thank everyone who attended, donated and volunteered at the event. Page 13