Mystery Farm
1st Prize: $20 Gift Certificate from Tiffany’s Restaurant, Topeka, and a lighted pen, a notepad set,
and a copy of The Honeyville Journal from LaGwana
2nd Prize(s)*: Lighted pen, a notepad set, and The
Honeyville Journal from LaGwana Printing.
3rd Prize(s)*: The Honeyville Journal.
*Additional 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded for
every 50 entries over 100 received.
1) Identify farm shown by owner’s name, by address, or by road and nearest intersecting road.
July Contest Sponsored by
Tiffany’s Restaurant and LaGwana Printing
David & Polly Miller of 100S, Topeka, correctly identified last issue's farm as owned
by Orvan & Rosanne Lambright, 11775 W 400 S, Millersburg. Congratulations! They won
dinner for two from Blue Gate Restaurant and a lighted pen, a notepad set, and a copy of The
Honeyville Journal from LaGwana Printing Second. prize went to Paul & Regina Miller of 1000W
Shipshewana. Third prize went to Earl & Regina Mast of 500S, Topeka.
2) Mail to Hometown Treasure - Mystery Farm,
P.O. Box 70, Shipshewana, IN 46565.
Please include your name and address.
3) Entry deadline: July 19, 2013
4) Winners will be drawn and prizes mailed.
5) Correct entries listed in our next issue!
There were 54 correct entries this month. Others that guessed correctly were: Kevin Bontrager, Merv
& Kathy Chupp, Chris & Alice Bontrager, Derek & Sue Ann Lambright, Larry & Nettie Mast, Sam
& Linda Miller, Barbara Yoder, LaVern & Lorene Lambright, Myron & Amanda Bontrager, Ruby
Schwartz, Kenny & Wilma Miller, Melvin & Vera Yoder, Elmer Dean & Mary Beachy, Alta Beechy, Gary
& Sara Bontrager, Loren & Laverda Y