July 2011
Reader Submitted News
We are always looking for more hometown news to publish. Part of the reason we have been able to keep
advertising rates in our paper so low and distribute them for free in our local area is because we rely heavily on
the community and the schools to help provide news.
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Zayne Jeffrey Geigley was
recently born to parents
Justin and Erin Geigley of
Topeka. Born on June 1
and weighing in at 6 lbs. 13
oz., Zayne is the Geigley's
firstborn. Justin works for
Aurora Services as the Editor
for The Hometown Treasure and
The People's Exchange. Erin is
currently on maternity leave
from Rainbow Years Learning
Ministry at Shore Mennonite
Page 42
Aaron Baker Takes Second Place
Aaron Baker launched the disc 171-09 and finished
in 2nd place in Discus at the NAIA Outdoor National
Championship held on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan
University. Aaron is part of the men's track team at
Indiana Tech.