The Hometown Treasure January 2012 | Page 53

Coloring Contest Jay Lynn Yoder of 900W, Topeka was our winner for the December Coloring Contest. Congratulations to him! Jay won an ice cream treat of his choice to E&S Sales in Shipshewana. Everyone else that sent in a page can stop by the store, claim their page, and get a free small ice cream cone through the end of January. Be sure to come and check out the full size winner as well as the other entrants. Runners-up were Eva Elaine Lehman age 6, Cathy Rose Bontrager age 5, and Isaac David Nissley age 4. Honorable mentions were Kari Miller age 6, Cheryl Ann Yoder age 6, Kierra Miller age 6, Laura Otto age 6, Jodi Miller age 6, Marcus Yoder age 6, Louida Lehman age 6, Kari Lehman age 5. As a final note, be SURE to put your age on the coloring page ... we had a winning page miss out on winning because there was no age on the page! Also, just a reminder ... the contest is only for kids up to 6 years old. 7 year olds aren’t eligible to enter BUT we would LOVE to see their drawings in our drawing contest (page 50)! Find The Lost Coin The “Find The Lost Coin” sponsor for December was L & R Marine on page 7. Our two winners, Luke Miller of 850W, Shipshewana and Elmer L. Yoder of 1000W, Shipshewana, each won a $25 gift certificate to L & R Marine! Congratulations to each of you! This month we had 29 entries and 28 of them were entered by walking-in to the store! To enter this month’s drawing, find the gold coin in an ad, as shown here, then take your entry to the sponsoring business. You may mail the postcard to the business, but if you do present it in person, you will have a double chance of winning one of the prizes! The first prize will be drawn only from the entries that were presented in person. The second drawing will be with all entries that were received, both in person and those mailed in. Use a postcard (or index card) if at all possible. Put, “I found the gold coin in your ad!”, on it, as well as your name and address. Entries need to be turned in by Friday, January 20. winner of the coloring contest! Community Calendar “Your source ???]8?&\?\[?[???'B???? ????H?]?[?\?Y?B??L??H??\????[????? ???? ? HB?BH??\?]??[??[[? ?????????B?BH?[?[??[?[??X[]????????????????B???H L??YXY??Y]??????\?[??\?L?H?\?? ???[?????K???????????BH?\????[???K????????????BH?\??]??[Z?[?????????????B??KL???\?]?[?H?????\?[??\?L?BH??\?]??[??[[? ?????????B?L??H??\????[???K??? ??B?BH??\?[?????[????????????HB?BH?\????[?][?K???????????????B?L??H??\???[X\??YK???????????????B?L?B?BB?BB?BB??T??PH[???[Y[?????[??[X?B??\??]??[???K????????H[B??\?[???X??\??Y]?????H[B??\????[??X\??YK??????????????B??L?B?BB?BB?BB???Z?H[[H?????\?[??\???\????[???][?K?? ??B??\?? ???[???[????????[B???\?]??[??[???K???????????B??L?BB?BB?BB?BB???\?? ???[[???K????? ??B??\????[??[???K???? ??B??\????[???[]???????????????B????]???Y?K??????????????B??\?[?\?[\?[???[][?]B?]?[?Z\??[?????H\??[[?\???^[YK?H?\?H??X?Z][?\???[[?\?][H? ?? M ??ML H???]??[Z\?\\????K??H?Y]???X\?\?H0???[??8?& L?0??? LB??