2012 LaGrange County 4-H Enrollment Underway
Online enrollment now open. Children in grades one through twelve are
being sought for participation in the
2012 LaGrange County 4-H program.
Students in county elementary schools
have been receiving enrollment information through their local schools.
Enrollment materials are also available to junior and senior high students
through their school offices. New in
LaGrange County for 2012 is the availability of online enrollment.
Families have the option of utilizing electronic enrollment and paying
the state program fee from the comfort
of home this year. Online enrollment
can be accessed by visiting the Purdue
Extension home page at http://www.
2011 marked the 107th year of
the Indiana 4-H program. Many
events commemorated this milestone
including 4-H alumni recognition,
county specific programs, and continuing renovations to the Indiana State
Fairgrounds. The 4-H program is one
of the largest youth serving organizations in the world. During 2011, some
200,000 Hoosier youth have participated in its educational programs.
The LaGrange County 4-H program and fair have seen significant
growth in the past decade. With both
public and private financial support,
the fairgrounds have received needed
upgrades, a web site and social media
communication have been refined, and
entertainment, educational events and
new 4-H projects have been added.
Collaborating with the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
office, the 4-H Club Association’s thirty
volunteer directors are currently developing plans for the 2012 4-H program
and the annual 4-H Fair, scheduled for
July 7-14.
Through informal education, 4-H
is a voluntary youth development program designed to address the interests
of boys and girls through the provision
of contemporary as well as traditional
projects. Some of the newer projects
include computers, consumer clothing,
creative writing, reading, recycling,
scrapbook, shooting sports education,
and sports. There are still many projects available for traditional 4-H enthusiasts including foods, sewing, and
animal husbandry. Returning in 2012
will be the 4-H Lama project featuring
llamas and alpacas.
4-H is open to all age eligible youth
regardless of race, ethnicity, residency,
religion, socioeconomic status, or disability. This year a statewide $15 fee
will be required youth in grades 3-12 to
enroll in 4-H in LaGrange County.
4-H also offers educational programming for first and second grade
children through its Mini or Fu ture
4-H groups and events. Future 4-H
is designed to provide younger students with simple, hands on learning
opportunities in a non-competitive
atmosphere. Future 4-H remains a free
program for first and second grade
Last year about 1,300 LaGrange
County youth participated in 4-H
programs through traditional club and
project work, events on the Purdue
campus, local and classroom enrichment activities, and county wide career
development programs in collaboration with area FFA groups. The 4-H
program is volunteer-based. Adult
leaders and parents offer their time
and talents to assist youth in reaching
their fullest potential through practical experience with hands-on projects,
leadership development, and community service.
Some projects and clubs, such as
4-H ATV, Beef and Dairy cattle, and
Shooting Sports Education conduct activities early in the new year. First year
youth in particular are encouraged to
enroll as soon as possible for inclusion
on club mailing lists and newsletters.
To obtain additional club, project, or
enrollment information, contact the
Purdue University Extension Office in
LaGrange at 499-6334, or visit the 4-H
development link on Extension’s web
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Making Sense of Investing
The Hometown Treasure · Jan. ‘12 · pg 43