Shipshewana Town News
The leaf pick up operation went
very smoothly this past year. Once the
leaves dropped and residents raked,
the town’s Street Department did an
excellent job of keeping up. One common issue that we did encounter was
residents who use a mulching mower
to pick up the leaves, which often make
leaf piles that are so dense that the leaf
vacuum truck can’t suck up the leaves.
If you mow your leaves, you might
want to consider taking the mulch
clippings (leaves and grass) and other
lawn debris (sticks and branches) to
the town’s compost area next year. Another problem encountered was trash
mixed in with the leaves. Please do
remove plastic bottles, paper, plastic,
metal soda cans or other yard debris
from the leaf piles placed for pick up by
the vacuum truck.
Mark your calendar for December
28th -30th to visit the annual Shipshewana Ice Festival. The Michiana Ice
Carvers Association will be carving ice
sculptures throughout the town. You
will simply not believe what these talented carvers can do with a huge block
of ice. It is amazing. This is a family
event. Bring your children and grandkids. The kids will have a blast and the
price is right – free.
Other activities include competitive ice carving contests, snowmobile
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Westview Campus Life JV Food Donation
More than 40 sixth through
eighth graders who attend Westview
Campus Life - JV collected food items
during the month of December and
pg 38 · The Hometown Treasure · Jan. ‘12
donated the proceeds Tuesday night
to Richard Yoder with the Food and
Clothes Basket.
by Sheryl Kelly
grass drag races, a chili cook-off and
many exciting shopping opportunities.
While you are in town, please remember to buy the 2011 Ice Festival pin to
receive a number of great discounts
from local merchants throughout the
month of January 2012.
Hopefully, we can all escape the
real low temperatures that often accompany the winter season. However,
if it gets cold enough that you have to
run your faucets to prevent water lines
from freezing - please remember to
call the Shipshewana Utility Office at
260-768-4743 and let them know that
you are running your faucets. A pencil
lead stream of water is all it takes to
prevent water lines from freezing. If
you notify the office when you start
running water, you may be able to get a
credit on your water bill.
Your cooperation in clearing your
driveways of snow is greatly appreciated. Please do not push snow out into
the street. It can be dangerous for cars
and it makes it more difficult to plow
the streets.
Please also remember that during the winter season every property
owner shall be required to clean the
sidewalk of snow in front of their
home, building or property by no later
than 6 pm every day, as necessary.
The sidewalks need to be kept clear of
all hazardous elements at all times to
ensure the safety and well-being of everyone using the sidewalks. Your cooperation and attention to the sidewalks
is always sincerely appreciated.
Winter weather conditions often
make safe travel challenging, too. Allowing extra time for travel, reducing
your travel speed to an appropriate
level for snow and ice conditions, and
allowing adequate distances for stopping will help make your winter travels
safe for all.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and
prosperous new year. Thank you all for
making 2011 such a great year in Shipshewana . I know that we can make
2012 another successful year.