The Hometown Treasure January 2012 | Page 35

power it on after plugging the battery back in. If it doesn’t turn on after that, Having your computer quit workthen it is likely the same problem as a ing the way you expect it too can be a desktop computer. It can be one of a pretty stressful time, especially if you don’t understand why. I plan to explain few things. The unit called the power supply that regulates and distributes just a few of the common problems a power is designed to shut down in computer can have so next time, you the event of a power surge in order to will be a little more prepared. protect the rest of the computer. If The most common and number that is what happened, all you need is one problem I hear is “my computer a new power supply. Another possibilis SO slow!” While it’s not usually an ity is that the processor has gone bad. indicator of a broken computer, it can This is a little bit more of an expensive be equally frustrating. The root cause of computer slowness is usually the be- fix but can be replaced by someone hind the scenes part of Windows called who know s what they are doing. This is not a do it yourself kind of fix. The the registry. Through normal day-today use, the registry can get “dirty.” It processor is very sensitive to static and is a very unfortunate side effect of the mishandling. The final common problem is called way Microsoft decided to implement their operating system. The good news the “Blue Screen of Death” or BSOD. The BSOD is pretty infamous to Winis that it can be repaired to a much dows users. It comes up very suddenly better condition by having a qualified when you are using the computer and technician perform a tune-up on your while there are many, many reasons computer. It’s very simple and routine for this error to come up. There are maintenance that will clean up your two very common reasons. One is that computer in several different ways. the RAM (Random Access Memory) is A second common problem is of encountering errors. If this is the case, course viruses and other bad pieces of software called malware. Malware can the fix is rather simple for a technician. Just putting in new RAM will fix it. It range from mild annoyances to showcould also be a hard drive error. This stopping computer killers. They are mostly contracted from phony websites is a little more serious because if let and phony downloads. Malware can be go, data could be lost. The best option in the case of this error is to back up a little hard to clean off your comall your data immediately by using an puter but the most important thing external hard drive and then taking to remember is that unless you know the computer to a technician. what you are doing, trying to clean the computer yourself can cause more harm than good and likely will. Again, see your trusted technician if a virus The LaGrange County Public scan doesn’t clean the infection. Library is continuing to take orders Have you ever pushed the power for personalized, engraved bricks button only to find out that the com($100 or $200 donation) that will be puter won’t turn on? A gut wrenching placed in the patio outside the new feeling for sure. If this ever happens to library’s main entrance in LaGrange. you, relax. Most likely, all of your data Order forms will be at all libraries in isn’t lost. If you are using a laptop, take LaGrange County or you can visit their the battery out and unplug the power website at to cord, press and hold the power button print out a order form. They make for about 10 seconds, and then try to great lasting gifts. LaGrange Library Have The Hometown Treasure sent to your winter home for $2 an issue! Call 260.463.4901 with credit card or write a check with “HT Snowbird” in the memo line & include winter address & mail to P.O. Box 744 • Shipshewana, IN 46565 Subscription will start with the next issue. Renew Hope Counseling Inc. , My passion is helping individuals Individual, Family, Pre-Marital & Adolescent Counseling & families find renewed hope in their lives through confidential Available at these locations: Charlene Roth, LMFT Redi-Care, LaGrange Licensed Marriage & professional counseling and Family Therapist Topeka Physicians, Topeka Marion Mennonite Church, Shipshewana (260) 585-7847 Available at these locations: Redi-Care, LaGrange Topeka Physicians, Topeka Marnion Mennonite Church, Shipshewana Charlene Roth, LMFT Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 260-585-7847 Solution It’s Broken Clueless Crossword by Justin Geigley G O K H O L A O T E B O I S By Melissa Byler K N I T T I N G V E E E S C I S S O R S to the puzzle on page 11. D W H B L A N K I E A F G H A N Sponsored by E A W We are looking for sponsors S T U L the Clueless Crossword, P R for E new advertiser each time. a Call R C E C O H T for more details! 260-463 4901. a fundamental guide to computing Snowbird Subscription! The Hometown Treasure · Jan. ‘12 · pg 33