The Hometown Treasure January 2012 | Page 28

Tiffany’s 414 E. Lake Street ? Topeka, IN 46571 260-593-2988 Name: _________________________________________________________ Age: __________________ Coloring Contest for children age 6 and younger. Sponsored by Tiffany’s Restaurant in Topeka this month! Winner gets a free ice cream treat of choice at Tiffany’s. Winning Drawings will be on display at Tiffany’s. All participants come in and claim your drawing for a free ice-cream cone at Tiffany’s in February. Mail completed page to: Aurora Services, Coloring Contest, PO Box 744, Shipshewana, IN 46565. Deadline for entry is Friday, January 20, 2012. Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ pg 26 · The Hometown Treasure · Jan. ‘12