from allergies?
Your home may be the cause.
Rainbow® doesn’t just clean
your carpets, it cleans the air.
The Power of Water ® advantage.
Shipshe 260.768.7370 (main)
Nappanee 574.773.4796
Warsaw 574.267.4561
Goshen Soon
The Mission Possible 7 Team
— Make sure it’s us.
as asthma & allergy friendly™
by the Asthma and Allergy
Foundation of America (AAFA).
Wet Dust Can’t Fly
The Rainbow uses Mother Nature’s most
powerful element, water, to trap dirt and
odors, returning only naturally clean, waterwashed air to your home environment.
Twice as Clean
This Unique water filtration system captures
99.997% (by weight) of typical household
dirt. Remaining microscopic particles
are caught by our HEPA Neutralizer
Filtration System. This two-stage filtration
combination removes nearly 100% of dirt
and contaminants.
Hurricane™ Motor
Powered by switched-reluctance
technology, our powerful Hurricane™
motor has the force to tackle your toughest
cleaning jobs and offers indefinite motor life.
Power and Control at your Fingertips
We’ve thoughtfully placed the controls in
an ergonomic handle grip, allowing precise
control over powered accessories.
Quick Connect
Changing wands and tools for different jobs
is a snap.
Travel Lightly
The Rainbow follows you from room-toroom on its easy-maneuvering dolly. A
rubberized bumper protects your walls and
On-Board LED Headlights
Illuminates the path ahead, ensuring you’ll
never miss a spot.
Wall-to-Wall Cleaning
Dirt, pet hair, and crumbs vanish in the
Power Nozzle’s powerful revolving brush.
Circulating Active-Edge brushes clean
tough-to-reach debris along baseboards.
pg 20 · The Hometown Treasure · Jan. ‘12
Smart Choices
Luke Pamer with Connie Lehman, RD, CD
Making Smarter Resolutions
The word “new” usually has positive connotations of hope and a good
change; from the miracle of seeing new
life brought forth in God’s creation, to
buying something new that we have
desired for a long time, so it is with
the coming of the New Year. Many
of us think that a new year can bring
positive changes into our lives, so most
New Year’s resolutions are about losing
weight, getting “in shape” or stopping a
bad habit like smoking.
Yet the statistics show that within
only two weeks, the vast majority of us
give up our new changes and go back to
old habits which keep us feeling stuck.
How can we extend that time of success from weeks to months to permanent change? Following are five tips to
increase your chances of success.
1. Make S.M.A.R.T. goals- Reword
“I will lose thirty pounds by Spring
Break”, which in not sensible, since we
cannot will ourselves to lose weight,
into a goal that is Sensible, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time
sensitive. “I will stop eating after 7
P.M. for the next thirty days” or “I will
walk fifteen minutes before supper on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday” meet
the SMART goal guidelines. Instead
of “I will stop eating sweets”, which is
not attainable for most people; reword
your goal to be “I will keep sweets
out of the house for the next month.”
These goals are a first step to give you
confidence. Later you will change them
as needed.
2. Monitor your progress- Statistics show those who are successful at lifestyle changes keep
track of their eating and exercise
habits. From a simple check or colorful sticker placed on the calendar
to show you exercised, to a special
notebook set on the counter to record
your meals, monitoring can show how
you are doing, and perhaps show you
that the goal is too strict and needs
to be tweaked to fit the reality of your
3. Aim for Persistence not Perfection- Since most people give up on
their goals by the end of two weeks,
plan at first to persevere for one
month. Expect to not follow it perfectly, and at the same time plan to not
give up , just keep trying hard. Look at
your goal weekly and see if it needs to
be changed a little to fit your reality.
Then keep trying!
4. Get help and support- Who
can you walk with? What community
classes or resources can help you stay
on track? What online recipes or free
monitoring assistance can find you?
Who in your household can help support you?
5. Plan rewards along the way- The
best rewards are ones which do not
sabotage your hard work, so try to
plan inexpensive non-food rewards as
needed. On days you meet a goal, put
a small amount of money in jar, and
when it adds up, treat yourself to a new
song from iTunes, a massage, flowers,
or a new item of clothing. Or track the
miles you exercise by mapping it on a
wall map, seeing “how far you can go”.
Be creative, be persistent, check
your progress, ask for help and make
your new year a SMART one!
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