The Hometown Treasure January 2011 | Page 42

January 2011 Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure Spiritual Treasures by Berton E. Smith, Pastor at King’ Fellowship What An Advantage Job 35:3 What advantage will it be unto thee? And, What profit shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin? Today when people go job hunting, they want to know what the starting wage is, and what kind of a benefit package the company offers. In the Bible the cleansing from sin is the starting wage and it’s value is far above silver and gold: beyond that it offers a full meal deal benefit package, that religion and church membership fail to provide. Luke 16:8 as the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light. It is just common sense that cleansed sinners check out the benefits that a church offers, and see if it is the pillar and ground of the truth I Timothy 3:15. Traditional and contemporary worship services, babysitting, coffee breaks, retreats, social interaction programs, entertainment, praise service, special insurance rates, tax exemption, etc, etc. I am not saying these things are bad, I am saying these are things that attract church membership, and it seems that church membership has become more important than a personal relationship and fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If we would take the modern church that prefers fundamental principles to the inspired word of God and transfer it’s benefits into monetary values, the children of darkness, with their love of carnal things and worldly wisdom, would look elsewhere before they invested their time and money. Cleansing from sin is followed by a benefit package that is out of this world, there is none like it. It provides for and takes care of man’s every need. First comes the new birth John 3:3-16 a miracle from God that makes us a new creature in Christ Jesus. II Corinthians 5:17 Then the circumcision of Christ Col 2: 11: a very delicate operation that is also performed by God, and takes away the love of sinning and fleshly carnal things. After the blood of Christ has made us whiter than snow Psalm 51:7, it atones or makes payment for God’s broken law Romans 5:11 and satisfies the justice of God so that he freely justifies us without the works of the law Romans 3:24-28 and then looks upon us just -as-if we had never sinned: wow! What a relief to my conscience, God knows I needed that. Then again because of the atonement, we are at-one-ment or reconciled to God and are no longer at odds with him and his will: what an attitude adjustment, I’m finally at peace with God Eph. 2:13-19. Then wonder of wonders we are adopted into the family of God as born again sons, and made heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ Romans 8:16-17, then to top it all off, this good Samaritan, Jesus Christ, gave me a credit card to take care of all my needs until he comes for me. Luke 10:33-35. By faith Hebrews 11:1 these benefits become a reality in the life of a Christian as he believes that his sins were placed on Christ II Corinthians 5:21 and judged at Calvary I Timothy 5:24, then being set free from the fear of death and judgment to come Hebrews 9:27 he rests in confidence and assurance of a know-so-salvation. But the pot gets even sweeter as we count our blessings and search the scriptures. How about Christ’s righteousness imputed or placed on our account Romans 4 instead of our own filthy rag righteousness Isaiah 46:6 or the blessed hope of Christ’s appearing Titus 2: 13 to catch us away I Thess 4:16-17 before the great tribulation Rev. 3:10 then reigning with him Rev 2:26-27 for 1000 years Rev. 20:6. We have just scratched the surface of the bag of benefits that follow godly repentance and cleansing from sin: there is the inspired scripture that thoroughly furnishes us, in every aspect and situation of life, with profitable doctrine, giving us instructions on how to avoid sin and live for God II Tim 3:16-17 and these pure words of God are preserved for us in a King James Holy Bible Psalm 12:6-7 so we are without excuse. Sound doctrine accompanies salvation and is expected to be a part of the Christian life Hebrews 6:9. If it is neglected or replaced by philosophy, worldly wisdom, self efforts, and traditions of men, your spiritual growth will be at a disadvantage and you will find your self in a pile of your own “Do Do” which will be very difficult to escape, because you have let what Christ has “DONE” slip from your grasp. Hebrews 2: 1-3 Page 42 MYSTERY FARM — continued from page 41 Jerry & Leanna Miller, Clayton & Mary Sue Eash, Christina Nisley, Lydia Brubaker, DeVon & Sarah Yoder, Tobe & Elsie Hochstetler, Myron & Marla Miller, Jeremy & Norine Hershberger, Galen & Glenda Lambright, LaVern & Wanita Borkholder, Gerald & Waneta Miller, John & Doris Bontrager, Lamar & Ruby Miller, Floyd & Sharon Lambright, Floyd & Lisa Graber, Steve & Gertie Yoder, Jr. & Irma Troyer, Mel & Loretta Chupp, Milan & Regina Lambright, Floyd & Wilma Jean Fry, John & Lorene Kurtz, Joel & Vonda Miller, Sandy Krider, David & Laverta Fry, Omer & Miriam Hochstetler, Melvin & Mary Hershberger, Merle & Kathryn Frey, Earl & Regina Mast,Calvin & Anna Schlabach, John & Marlene Riehl, Devon Miller, Fri ? ??[?]HZ[\??[H ???HZ[\??^[[? ?X\?H[X??Y? 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