The Hometown Treasure February 2013 | Page 57

Drawing Contest Winner We are looking for sponsors for the Clueless Crossword, a new advertiser each time. Call for more details! 260-4634901. Sponsored by to the puzzle on page 12 U R G A D V C A R P E N T E R E U L O F C T S U C A H E T M T E A C H E R E R O B P R M M I D E R E I N I R I B A R R I S T A A N C T R N U R S E T D O C T O R I E O A P H O T O G R A P H E R N Solution Cluele ss Crossword ` By Melissa Byler Last month we asked for illustrations of our theme “Winter Fun.” The illustration on the right by 12 year old Esther Wingard of 325 N Shipshewana was selected as our winner for the school-age division. Congratulations to her! The school-age division is open to any student up to eighth grade. The theme for this month is “What Valentine’s Day Means To Me.” We received so many wonderful drawings this month! It was exciting to see what everyone was thankful for! All entries are to be twodimensional and on 8½” x 11” paper. Mail your entry, or drop it off at our office, by Friday, January 18. The winning entries will be published in our next issue and will have bragging rights for the whole month! Find The Lost Coin Contest The “Find The Lost Coin” sponsor for January was Northern Nutrition, Inc. and they had the coin hidden in their ad on page 21. The two winners Solution to puzzle on page 12 T W D E E N O U G H P F R E C E P T I O N H R A I T B A D N H I K O G T E A O R Q D N A P D O C N L H F U N I O V G O H D U R T A A S N E I T G S M V L N E R T G H N E T U P O D O H Y I I R G A C L V A E M N V Y G O R C E E R E G I S T E R T A H O Y S L I V E S D M E N Y T I R E C N I S Left-Over Letters Spell Out A Message From Melissa! Enter remaining letters starting at the top and going left to right. T HA NK GOD FOR ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ that were selected were Kara Miller of 600S, Topeka and Harriet Bontrager of Orchard Lane, Shipshewana. Each of them won a $25 gift certificate to Northern Nutrition, Inc.! If you haven’t entered the contest yet, this is the month! You can win a free gift certificate to the business that has the coin hidden in their ad! To enter this month’s drawing, find the gold coin in an ad, as shown here, then take your entry to the sponsoring business. You may mail the postcard to the business, but if you present it in person, you’ll have a double chance of winning! The first prize will be drawn only from the entries that were presented in person. The second drawing will be with all entries that were received, both in person and those mailed in. Use a postcard (or index card) if at all possible. Put, “I found the gold coin in your ad!”, on it, as well as your name and address. Entries need to be turned in by Friday, February 15. VER Y G OOD MEN ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ The Hometown Treasure · February ‘13 · pg 55