Topeka Town News
As we move into the new year the
town is working on several projects. One
of which is our new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) plan. We are in the
final steps of putting together our findings from the studies that we completed
last fall throughout the town’s buildings
and properties, to help improve ourselves
for future projects with the new ADA
standards. The town has been pro-active
in some of the areas already. As we do
projects in town, we update structures to
by Ron Eash
meet the standards.
The town board awarded API Construction a paving project for this upcoming spring. More details to come later on
the streets being paved and the time and
dates the project will start.
Things are looking up for the start
of the new year as businesses are moving
forward. The Crossroads office complex
is moving right along and will be a nice
addition on the west edge of town. Also,
Westview School Board
The school board held elections last
month. Gerald Lee was elected president. The vice-president is Dave Mehas
and the secretary is Carrie Schrock.
The project of converting the high
school auditorium lights to LED lights
was completed over Christmas break.
The project was completed on schedule
and they will be in use for the theater’s
next performance of, “The Lion, The
by Luke Pamer
Witch, and the Wardrobe” on February 8 and 9. The lights will decrease
the heat on stage as well as cut back on
electricity costs.
Westview High School’s security
measures have been upgraded after
the Sandy Hook Elementary school
shootings motivated the change. There
is now a camera in the entrance and
the town board approved the first reading
of a tax abatement for new equipment
and employment for Nishikawa Cooper
LLC. We wish all our businesses in town a
prosperous year.
The town will be taking applications
for a person to take care of the town’s
flowers. Some of the duties will include
planting flowers at town hall and the
east and west parks. Daily watering and
weeding and trimming the plants and
shrubs. Applications may be picked up at
the Topeka town hall. We will be taking
applications until 4:00 pm on March 1,
2013. If you have any questions, you may
contact the town hall.
a buzzer installed to open the doors.
The camera and buzzer are controlled
by the staff in the front office. The
upgrade ran at a cost of around $1,800.
Principal Rich Cory said that the high
school is as safe as it could be. He
expressed that the students should not
feel danger when they come to school.
There was also a generous donation of $1,900 from Parkview Hospital
to Topeka Elementary school for their
physical education program.
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