The Hometown Treasure February 2013 | Page 18

Chasing a Dream... cont. from 15 four days a week for nine months a year. Karch would do his homework on the way, and when they reached their destination, Kurt would do his own work from the car, the rink, or the hotel room. “We were a team, that’s what we always said,” recalled Karch. “He got me to where I needed to be and I did my job out on the ice. There is not anyone who did more for me than him. There is also not anybody that I love more than him.” All that traveling meant that Karch missed out on many “normal kid” activities, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Hockey has always been his choice. “Every year we ask him, do you really want to commit to another year of this, and it’s absolutely yes,” explained Kurt. “He loves it, and there’s a spiritual component to his motivation.” Karch explained it this way. “As a strong follower of Christ, I believe He gave me my talent as a gift, and I will use the gift He gave me and play for God’s glory.” Last fall, using his gift led him away from home, family, and friends to Culver Military Academy. With Karch beginning high school and his hockey demands increasing, the family needed to find a school nearer to a strong hockey program. They considered several private schools in Detroit so Karch could remain on his club team at the time, but they were worried about him moving to Detroit alone and being shuttled back and forth from school to practice by the families of his teammates. The only other option was Culver, which had a strong hockey team right on campus. In the end, they left the decision up to him. “I did what I have done for all my major decisions,” recalled Karch. “I prayed to God and I just had and still have this feeling that helps me a ton in deciding what I am going to. It has worked every time so I have stuck with it.” Karch quickly found out that Culver Military Academy is not your ordinary high school. Students are awoken each morning by a cannon blast. From 8 to 10 pm, they are not allowed to use cell phones, even for texting, and when students break rules, instead of sitting in detention, they clean bathrooms or muck o ]??H?[?[??\?Y??\?[??H\?HXZ?K]\?B??Y[???K??[?\?\?[??[\?\??]?H\??[[[?H[?\??????YX?][??H?[?[???]X?X[??]]\??[??S?????H\??[??H?? ???'[?B??]?\?????[?B?\?H[?[???8?'B??\????ZY ???'H?Y?[?^B?[?]8?&\?Y????R B???\??????\[?K?B?Y^X?[??\?Y[?8?&\?]Y?\?Z]\??\?Y?????[?\?\?YX\?????\?\?H????'B?\?]H]?[???Y?\???[?[?\?[H?]??[\?K??\??\??\?H??[??]\?X?\?[??8?'H???\?[???\?HH???X\???HX?YY????\?K8?'HH?ZY 8?'B????^H[?HX?Y[ZX???'B???'H?[\?HB??Y?H?]?B?YH ?^H?????8?&\???x?'B??? M?0??H?Y]???X\?\?H0???X??X\?H8?& L????[?YY?Y?H ?B??