Runner-up trophy.
The Westview community
did lay claim to a mythical state
championship before the days
when “Basketball was King”. The
year was 1910 and the Topeka
Bears’ football team, led by
Ben Leming and his brothers,
dispatched 13 opponents by a
combined score of 260 to 0. The
most notable win was a 101 to
0 thrashing of Kendallville. The
Bears claimed the state title as a
result of their scoreless game with
South Bend. Topeka crossed the
South Bend goal line several times
only to have the play brought back
because of penalties. South Bend
never did cross the Topeka goal.
While the Topeka boys offered to
play a rematch the young men from
South Bend wanted nothing further
to do with these farm boys. Since
they were undefeated and had done
things South Bend couldn’t match,
Topeka decided that they were the
state champs.
Over the years several
individuals have claimed state
championships in sports like cross
country and track which are still
one class. The first was Jason
Kennedy winning the state pole
vault title in 1993. That same year
Andy Begley was the runner-up in
the 3,200
meters. In
1994 Andy
would win
the first of
his three state
titles in both
cross country
and the
3,200 meters
being named
And & Amy Yoder Begley
Nicole Williams
winner. The
The debate over class basketball
following year Andy won two
in Indiana goes on. Currently there
more state titles in the 1,600 and
is a bill in the Indiana Statehouse
3,200 meters. Nicole Williams was to do away with class basketball.
the first Westview female to win
Many of the larger schools are in
state titles. In 1997 she took top
favor of the move because revenue
honors in both the 1,600 and 3,200 generating attendance is extremely
meters. Nicole also earned a state
low. For schools with a tradition
championship in cross country
like Westview it’s a non issue.
and was named the 1998 IHSAA
Whatever the outcome of the class
Mental Attitude Award winner.
sports debate, the phenomenon
Westview senior, Skyler
of what is Westview High School
Carpenter already holds four
sports continues to grow.
state titles winning the 300 meter
Skyler Carpenter
hurdles in 2010. Last year Skyler
claimed three titles with a record
setting performance in the 300
meter hurdles to go along with
wins in the 100 meter hurdles and
long jump. With her senior season
still ahead of her, Carpenter just
may add to those totals.
1998 - 1999 WHS Boys Team, Class AA State Champions
The Hometown Treasure · Feb. ‘12 · pg 17