Westview School Board
January 12th, 2012
The board members, reporters, and
students from Westview’s government
classes, braved the climate that “snowmageddon” was providing outside to
make their appearance at this meeting.
Aside from the treacherous conditions
outside, there were some issues being
discussed inside.
Westview was reviewed and they
found out that they are above the state
average when it comes to their English/new language learners. Westview
has quite a few students from other
countries and this shows that they are
making their time worthwhile at the
The fuel pricing for busses was
discussed at the meeting. The pricing is
traditionally low at the end of January
or the start of February so the school
will be looking to purchase the fuel
around this time.
The biggest topic that came into
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by Luke Pamer
play was once again technology. In this
day and age, most schools are trying
to substitute textbooks for laptops.
“As an administration, we do not feel a
strong possibility that technology will
replace textbooks below ninth grade,”
said Superintendent Randy Zimmerly.
However, in high school, it’s a different story. There is a “good possibility”
that technology could come more
into grades 9-12 according to Zimmerly. There is actually a class taught
completely online by Westview math
teacher, Jon Cook (Discrete Math).
Also in technology news, all buildings
except the high school and Topeka Elementary have switched their systems
from Novell to Windows.
In other news. John Zehr will be
helping out with the special education
classes at Westview Elementary. The
band and choir trip to New York City
over spring break in 2013 was approved as well.
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The Hometown Treasure · Feb. ‘12 · pg 13