The Hometown Treasure February 2011 | Page 22

February 2011 Disable the Label by Karen Unternahrer, Coordinator of Respite Care Services, Arc Opportunities, Inc. Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure Friend-To-Friend With the beginning of a New Year, we are introducing something new at Arc Opportunities, Inc. Friend-to-Friend is a program that gives community members opportunity to encourage an individual with a disability by way of greeting cards. In this day of texting and e-mail, instant messaging and Skype, many individuals with a developmental delay are ‘left behind’ on the communication highway. There remains something special about receiving a piece of mail with one’s name on it rather than “current occupant.” Many times over a person may go back to that card and, holding it in their hands, they have the assurance that someone cares. It is a tangible reminder that they are valued just for being who they are. Who can be a friend? You! Individuals, families, clubs, youth groups; anyone can be a sending-friend. The receiving-friend is someone in our community who has a developmental disability; Arc Opportunities currently serves more than one hundred and fifty individuals county-wide. There are several options to consider in what you or your group would like to commit to in the Friendto-Friend program for the year 2011. 1) Sponsor the birthday list and be sure every client gets a birthday card this year. 2) Sponsor one individual, sending him or her a greeting card once a month. 3) Sponsor a group home, sending monthly greeting cards to each person residing in that particular home; between two and six people. 4) Sponsor some or all of our clients who live on their own or with their family, sending monthly greeting cards to brighten the day. Confidentiality and other issues necessitate that content of the cards be monitored ??\???X][?\??????Y??]\?B?TY?H ??B???????H???HHY]??YH?H?X?]?H\??\??[?H[?H???\???[?[???\?H\?????Y???]\?H\?X?B????H]?Y[?H\?[? ?H??[?Z?H??[Z[?[H?XY\??]B?X\H?\?\?\??[?H?X\???NH[? ? ??????H?]?\?X?H?^\??YHB??\?H?[?[??Y??Y[? X\?H[?\??[?H?ZY[[?\?[?X?H\?H??Y?Y?X\?[?H\??[\?H[?]?YX[??B??\??K?Y?[?H????H?\?X?\]H[???Y[? ]?Q??Y[? ?\????[?]Y\?\?X?X]\?[?\????\?][??[??[???\?H[???X?[?????[??XX??B?Y?\??\?H?X?Y?X?\??YK???&\??]?H\???[??[Y[??X?\?H??]]?K??YY?[?[???\?Y?[??H??[\B??Y?H?\? ??[??]???Y? ?Y\??[?Y][???\??[?H??[[???H?X?Z]?[??[?\??[????&]?X\?B??)?XZ?H???[X\???X??]?Y?\??X] ??[Z[K?[?\??[????Y[[[?8?&???????&H???\???]X?[?]\?H?[?H?\?]Y ??[\[???Y?]ZY??K???Y??X^H?B?[??YY[?H[??[?H??X]\????X[ ?K?K??[KX??[8?&\???\???Y??\???[?^K?[???]???X?]\?HH??Y[? ]?Q??Y[????[B?\?\??\???[Y\??K[?\???[?[??\???Y??\????[?]Y\??&H??X?H?[??XZ[[???XHHT???[?\??X?K?H?[?[??Y??Y[???Y\?H?\?[????Y?HXX?[? ???H??????\??[?\?\?X?\][??[?B???Y[? ]?Q??Y[????[H?\????[?]Y\?Z?B?[?[?H[?K[?]?YX[??]H]?[?Y[?[[^B?[? ???[]Y\?X?[]H[???H?X?Z]?[??\???[??\??[?HXZ[ ??[[?H?H]??Y[????[?B?[???X][??\?X?\][??[???Y[? ]?Q??Y[? ?[??\?[?[?\??Z?\?]\????[?]Y\?? ?? M ??L??L????[?]??H??[??[[???B?????^H\??[?\?[[??[?]?YX[??[?]?YX[ ?[Z[K?KSX\?][ ?Y?\??[???[??[[??????X[H?[][??\?[????[?]??H??[??[[????[??[[???[Z[K[?[?]?YX[??\?[?H?? Q??X?[??YX\??XY?B?[??[Z[H\?\\?? ?? H ??M?LMB??]?Z[X?H]\?B??[?]??H[?Z\?]?\?H??][????YKP?\?KQ?[??B???Z?HX\?][ ?H??\??K[X\?][ \?X?X[???Z?B?X\?[?Y[???]H?\?? ?\?]?[?B??[?H???Y[?X[[???Y??X?B?[?]?YX[ ?[Z[K?KSX\?][ ?Y?\??[???[??[[???][??8?%?\????\?[?H?? Q??X?[??YX\??XY?B?[??[Z[H\?\\?? ?? MN KM? ? ?? H ??M?LMB??]?Z[X?H]\?H??][????YKP?\?KQ?[??B??Z?H\?X?X[???Z?B?X\?[?Y[???]H?\?? ?\?]?[?B??