The Hometown Treasure December 2012 | Página 2

Christmas Sale own Fabrics and G maT November 23 - 30 if t m s E 10% OFF Everything in Store Buy $10000 or More and Receive 15% OFF!! For every $2500 you spend, put your name in our drawing for a Motion Clock, to be given away at the end of the 7th sale day; also put your name in for other prizes to be given away. Need not be present to win. Also a drawing for children! Children ages 1-8 need not be present to put in name Sale Day Hours: Fri., 23rd 8-6 • Sat., 24th 8-4 • Mon. 26th-Fri. 30th . 8-5 There’s Something for Everyone! EmmaTown Fabrics and Gifts 2125S 600W • Topeka, IN 46571 (In EmmaTown!) • 574.349.5991 Regular Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm • Sat. 9am - 3pm The Hometown Treasure · December ‘12