LCCF Announces
Topeka 4-Hers Take A Bite Out Of Hunger
With nearly one in four Hoosier
groups that represent an ideal or feaGrant Opportunities
The LaGrange County Community
Foundation Board of Directors has
approved a competitive grant cycle for
this Fall. The application deadline is
Monday, September 30, 2013. Nonprofit organizations and qualifying
government agencies that serve Lagrange County are encouraged to apply.
Grant applications are available on line
The process of applying for a grant
through the LaGrange County Community Foundation will be explained
in a public 90-minute workshop at the
Community Foundation Community
Room on Monday, August 26, 2013 at
6 PM. The workshop will be especially
helpful to those specifically seeking a
grant from the Community Foundation. The Community Foundation is
located at 109 East Central Avenue
in LaGrange. Refreshments and light
snacks will be provided. Seating is
limited. Please call ahead and reserve
your place. One-on-one consultations
are available.
For further information concerning the workshop or this year’s
grant opportunity you may contact
Loren Heinlen, Program Officer at the
LaGrange County Community Foundation, 463-4363.
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pg 4 · The Hometown Treasure · August ‘13
youth affected by hunger, a group of
Topeka 4-H youth (Happy Workers
group) and volunteers made a difference with its Take a Bite Out of Hunger
display at the county fair last month.
Fairgoers visiting the fair voted with
the highest level of donations to the
Happy Workers’ effort to publicize 4-H
and the opportunities it offers while
at the same time highlighting efforts
to combat hunger. The Topeka group,
under the leadership of 4-H volunteers
Sonja Giggy and Barbara Geng, won
out over five other 4-H county groups.
Over $550 was raised along with
some 1,500 pounds of donated food
in the weeklong effort. A service idea
proposed last fall by by the LaGrange
County 4-H Junior Leaders took hold
in the form of non-perishable food
sculptures or statues created by 4-H
ture of the program.
LaGrange County 4-H fair visitors
voted for their favorite food sculptures
by placing cash donations in marked
containers near each display. All
proceeds, both the food used in making the models and cash votes, were
distributed to local food charities.
Left to right: Carter Giggy, Brandt Norberg, Lexi
Giggy and Kylen Bender.
Photo Submitted
Aug. 9th 2013 - Aug. 25th 2013
Sarah Davis, Ltd.
Davis Mercantile
Shipshewana, IN
Monday - Saturday
9 am - 6 pm