Replacing The
On US 20
Westview School Board
by Luke Pamer
The meeting started with talks
of the ISTEP report that was almost
finished. According to a board member,
If you were driving on
the students performed “very well”
US 20 several weeks ago, you and there will be a much more extensive report at the August School Board
may have noticed a slight dismeeting.
ruption in traffic, a utility truck
The preliminary budget for the
in front followed a little ways back by 2012-2013 school year is going to be
a bigger dump truck with seemingly
around 28.3 million dollars. The spendnothing in between. Nothing, that is,
ing has shown a three percent increase
until you went to pass and saw two
over last year. Westview has many
little yellow vehicles sitting down very projects in the works that will improve
close to the road. These dune buggies
the school.
were replacing the reflectors in the
The school is going to replace the
center line. The first worker would take auditorium lighting system this year. It
a drill and cut out the existing reflecwill cost around $69,746.85. There are
tor then zoom off to the next one. The also issues with the roof and Westview
second worker would come along, clean has chosen Borntrager roofing to do
out anything that was left, fill the hole the repairs. This will cost $134,190.
with something, put in a new reflector
In other repair news, the waste
then take off after the first one. It was
very quick work, each worker spending
less than a minute at each stop.
Hometown Treasure Photos
pg 44 · The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12
treatment plant’s improvements are
ahead of schedule and nearly finished,
about a month before the students
come back to school.
Westview has been working very
hard to catch up to other schools in the
technology department. Westview is
not always known for “being ahead of
the curve” when it comes to technology. However, they are installing a
wireless internet network for the 20122013 school year. The cost is going
to be around $47,231 which is about
$10,000 less than the other options.
Ciber Incorporated of Mishawaka is
going to be installing the network.
Westview principal, Rich Cory, and
the rest of his committee worked very
hard on getting this done. The network
should be installed by a late deadline of
October 1st.
Drawing Contest Winner
Last month we asked for illustrations of our theme “Your Family.” The
illustration below by 7 year old Lydia
Leith was selected as our winner for
the school-age division. Congratulations to her! The school-age division is
open to any student from kindergartners to eighth grade.
There were no entries for the Open
Division this month.
The theme for this month is
“Weather” so start thinking the best
way to depict the weather around you.
All entries are to be two-dimensional and on 8½” x 11” paper. Mail
your entry, or drop it off at our office,
by Friday, July 20. The winning entries
will be published in our next issue and
will have bragging rights for the whole