Coloring Contest Winner
Six year old Erika Grace Yoder of 1100W Shipshewana was
our winner for the July Coloring
Contest. She won an ice cream
treat of her choice at Tiffany’s in
Everyone else that sent in a
page can stop by Tiffany’s, claim
their page, and get a free small
ice cream cone through the end
of August.
Be sure to come and check
out the full size winner as well
as the other entrants.
Runners-up were Julie
Diane Miller, age 6; Isaac Nissley, age 5; and Janelle Diane
Petersheim, age 4. Honorable
mentions were Dena Whetstone,
age 6; Sara Jane Miller, age 6;
Amy Rose Fry, age 6; Sara Beth
Bontrager, age 6; Dylin Bontrager, age 6; Emily Jo Fry, age
5; and Matthew Jon Petersheim,
age 5. Check out page 40 for this
month’s coloring page.
As a final note, be SURE
to put your age on the coloring
page ... we don’t want a winning
page to miss out on winning
because there was no age listed!
Also, just a reminder ... the contest is only for kids up to 6 years
old. 7 year olds aren’t eligible to
enter but we would LOVE to see
their drawings in our drawing
contest (page 44)!
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pg 34 · The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12
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