The Hometown Treasure August 2012 | Page 34

Habitat For Humanity Receives Grant Personnel from Wells Fargo Bank in LaGrange and Shipshewana gathered to present a check for $15,000 to Mont Arnold, Executive Director of LCHFH (LaGrange County Habitat for Humanity). The original $10,000 grant from the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation was amended to include an additional $5,000 awarded because house number twenty-two was built to “Green” specifications and received an “Energy Star” rating. “LCHFH and its Board of Directors wish to extend a big thanks to the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation and the local Wells Fargo team for helping to sponsor this house,” Arnold commented. LaGrange County Wells Fargo employees provided sixty-three volunteer hours at the home site during its construction process. This is the fourth grant that LCHFH has received from the WellsFargo Housing Foundation. Left to right: Janet Forrest, Arnold, Nikki Byroad, Jennifer Neff, Lynn Peachey and Theresa Reed. Photo Submitte ??X??U?T???? T?[HB????L H????]?YHHB?[?? L H??[?H?\??X?Y ??\??]\??HZY??[H^\?B???Z[????Y[??]?????]?[????????[H ? H]Y?  ? L?????\??X??X???????Y][????\??????\Y\?]??B??\?H?Y?]B???X???? ?0??H?Y]???X\?\?H0??]Y?\?8?& L????Y?[?????\?[?B???X?\??????B??[??XH??????[????????X\?[??KUX????]X???????[?X[?H[?HB??