LCCF New Board
Back Row (Left to right): Coach Brad Litwiller, Coach Dave Byrkett, Coach Norm Carpenter and Head
Coach Kenn Davis. Middle Row: Takota Sharick, Drew Litwiller, Hunter Porter, Titus Schwartz, Kurtis
Davis, Micah Yoder and Justin Schwartz. Front Row: Remington Carpenter, Spencer Carpenter, Ben
Byrkett, Evan Litwiller and Kendall Schwartz.
Photo submitted by Angie Litwiller
Tournament Winners
The Warrior U10 travel baseball team won the Fremont Tournament in
early July. They went undefeated winning all five games and beat Bronson in the
championship on Sunday.
Paul Johnston, President of the
LaGrange County Community Foundation (LCCF) Board of Directors recently
announced the induction of six new directors. The announcement was made
at the organization’s annual meeting
on June 26, 2012.
The new directors include local
residents Vickie Guyas, Jama Keaffaber, Sue Keenan, Crystal Leu, Jayne
Perkins and Dalonda Young. Other
members of the LCCF Board of Directors include Mahlon Bontrager, Dr.
John Egli, Steve Gage, Steve Longfellow, Gene Mory, Dr. Rhonda Sharp,
Steve Scott-Welty and Jeff Wible.
The LCCF Board of Directors has the
responsibility for directing the use of
over 9 million dollars in foundation
assets for the benefit of the LaGrange
County community. Last year, LCCF
distributed nearly $200,000 in grants
and scholarships along with an additional $185,000 in scholarships available through a grant from the Lilly
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pg 22 · The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12