The Hometown Treasure August 2011 | Página 3

by Dan Byler/Justin Geigley Free Estimates! 59323 CR 35 Middlebury, IN 46540 We Specialize In Customer Satisfaction! Custom Built Vinyl Windows 1-888-660-1128 - Voice Mail Standard Sizes in stock for your new house! Shop & Buggy Shed Thermo Pane Windows Installation Available! BEFORE YOU BUY Check our quality and lower prices! It will be worth your time. Stop by and see our workplace showroom! Westview Class Of 2006 Plans Five Year Reunion by Justin Geigley The date has been set for the five year reunion of the class of 2006. Plan to come to Topeka East Park at 11:30 am on August 6 to catch up and enjoy a picnic with our classmates. Lunch is bring-your-own but water and juice will be provided. If you are a ‘06 alumni and have not been added to the group page or the event, friend Justin Geigley at and ask for an invite. Also, be sure to pass along the invite to all of our classmates that you know so we can get as many people there as possible! Spouses and children are encouraged to attend. Any questions can be directed to [email protected] or 574-215-4110. See you there! Table of Contents Birthday Page..................................................... 24 Classified Ads ....................................................11 Community Calendar ........................................ 32 Contests/Puzzles Coloring Contest........................................ 7, 44 Clueless Crossword Puzzle.......................... 13 Drawing Contest.............................................. 7 Gold Coin Contest........................................... 3 Mystery Farm Contest................................... 55 Word Search..................................................... 6 Display Advertiser Listing................................. 54 Dollars & $ense.................................................. 31 Healthy Hearts, Healthy Homes........................ 13 Hometown Church Listings......................... 38-39 Hometown History............................................. 21 LaGrange County Council ................................ 25 LaGrange County Council on Aging................ 52 LaGrange County Library.................................. 49 LaGrange County Sheriff’s Report................... 38 Menno's Tech Minutes ...................................... 33 Musings from Maggie........................................ 33 Shipshewana Town News............................. 5, 14 Spiritual Treasure.............................................. 53 Topeka Town News ..................................... 20, 27 Westview School Board.................................... 14 Westview Sports Calendars.............................. 30 Page 3 We manufacture to your needs: • Single Hung • Double Hung • Slider • Basement • Casement • Bay • Picture Window Do yourself a favor: take advantage of the energy efficient vinyl windows! sors by bringing folks into their establishments. You are not required to purchase anything, just make the extra effort to stop in. Of course, if you see something you need while you’re there anyway … they will certainly be glad to sell it to you! Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure Our gold coin sponsor for July was Topeka Do It Best Hardware (page 52 - July issue). The luck