The Hometown Treasure August 2011 | Page 25

Page 25 continued on next page Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure by Jac Price, Council Vice President This update will include the extra meetings the This motion passed on a nine to one vote. The joint Commissioners/Council held in latter June as well as meeting was adjourned and the council opened their the July regular Council meeting. regular session. The Commissioners/Council met in special session Circuit Court Judge Scott VanDerbeck presented twice in the month of June. The first meeting was held to a request to allow the retention of one of the two ICE take comments from office holders and representatives students through the end of the calendar year. The of appointed boards regarding the budget reduction council agreed to this request. committee recommendations and how these cuts will The commissioners reported that the 250N project, effect those departments and boards. from Shipshewana to the west, has been moved back At the second meeting there was a lengthy to early August due to delay caused by having to move discussion of the effects on the elimination of holidays a water and sewer line that would have been under and implementing a one day a month off by the the road. There has also been a problem with survey employees, as well as the elimination of positions and and other stake have been pulled out on numerous not replacing people who quit. After some two hours occasions. They also reported that the Utility District of discussion there was a motion to table all decisions has received quotes for the installation of lines to the until the regular council meeting on July 11, 2011. businesses in the Fawn River Industrial Park. The There was next a discussion on moving money out of contract will be let in July with completion expected the Major Moves Principle Fund to the spendable fund. by November 1, 2011. After discussion about the procedure on voting for this There was a request from the Economic Developitem, there was a motion to table to a joint meeting of ment Corporation and Tri-States Hardwood for a 10 the Commissioner/Council on July 11, 2011. year tax abatement of $215,000 for new equipment The joint meeting next considered changes to the and $100,000 for a drying building. The Council apcounty policy book. The first change was to remove proved this request. any reference in the manual to take home vehicles, the Legal Claims in the amount of $8,874 were second was to address the item of mileage payments presented, this was made up of litigation expense of for the use of personal vehicles when a county owned $3,456, special projects of $2,703, and $2,715 for normal vehicle is available. It was decided by the commissioners monthly expense. There was a motion to approve the to pay half the state rate when a personal vehicle is legal claims which passed. There was also a motion used. There was a motion to increase the Cumulative to approve the transfers within varying departments Capital Development Rate to the maximum level, this budgets, this motion passed. motion failed for lack of second. There was a motion We next considered the published additional by the council to approve the Salary Ordinance to appropriations and reduction of appropriations. There establish an hourly rate in the Recorders Office for a was some two hours of discussion and we addressed each clerk and to be paid from the Records Perpetuation item separately. Due to the length of these items I will Fund. This will replace the salaried Chief Deputy who try to highlight the discussion. There were a number resigned recently and to establish the hourly rate for of items that were removed from consideration due to the secretary in the Plan Department. not being able to use dedicated funds as we thought On July 11, 2011 the Commissioners/Council we could and some of the recommendations being in convened in joint session to consider the request to violation of State Statutes. Some of the highlights of move $700,000 from the Major Moves Principle Fund to reductions were as follows. Replace a full time Animal pay the Lakeland High School New Tech commitment Shelter employee, who quit, with two part time people. and $434,555 from the same fund to pay the upcoming Auditors Office, use Ineligible Homestead Fund to pay Jail Bond Payment. These items were considered as salary of office personnel. Remove the Chief Deputy separate items. There was a motion to transfer the in the Treasurer’s Office and have the Deputy assist $700,000, the vote was six in favor, three opposed, and both the Recorder and Treasurer. Recorder’s Office, one abstention. Since it takes at least eight in favor to pay half of the recorders salary from the Records remove money for the Principle Fund the motions Perpetuation Fund. Reduce the Council on Aging failed. There was next consideration ?bF?R???&??B???6F???'?CR????6???76???F?&V7F?"?0???V?B?bCC3B?SSR?F?W&Rv2??F???F??F?R???V?6VB??2&W6?v?F???VffV7B?V?#b?#?F?P??????V?Bg&??F?R???"??fW27V?F&?RgV?B6?V?6??&VgV?FVBF?B?6?F???f?"F?R&V???FW"?bF?P??B?b?VVFVBWF?CsR?g&??F?R&??6??RgV?B??V"VffV7F?fR?V?#r?#?vR?6?&WVW7FVBF?BF?P??VwW7B#???6?V?G?6?V?6??WFFP??