August 2011
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Page 14
Shipshewana Town Council
by Luke Pamer
6/23/2011 - On Saturday, June 25th, a Skyler homemade ice cream, entertainment, and a dunk tank
Carpenter day was held in Shipshewana. Skyler is a with the police force. During the time of the social,
soon-to-be senior at Westview high school who is a track Middlebury street will be closed.
There was an approval of a bond for the new Billing
star. During Indiana state competition, Carpenter won
the 100 meter hurdles race. She also took first place in Clerk. A LaGrange resident, Deb Lauer, will be taking
long jump and the 300 meter hurdles race, breaking a over the job. The bond was set at $8,000.
There was a revision of the water rates in
state record in the latter. At 11 a.m. she and her parents
were riding in a white carriage around Shipshewana Shipshewana. Residents should be expecting a 9.5%
increase in their rates starting in either September or
celebrating her athletic achievements.
The Shipshewana fire station will be having their October of this year.
There are three new Siemens lift station controllers
parking lot re-sealed. There will be two coats of sealer
applied along with filling 535 feet worth of cracks. The being bought at a price of $9,100. There has been
re-sealing was appraised to cost around $2,010. The an increase from four lift stations around the area to
fire station will also be receiving a new hose tester. This seventeen over the years.
The road project on 250 North is “going well”
was appraised to cost $2,137.70.
The fire station will be having a benefit later this according to a source connected to the construction.
year, on October 7th, to raise money to replace a 4,000 It is expected to be done in three to four weeks.
gallon tank. The initial cost is believed to be around However, it is asked by police and others involved in
the project to stay off the construction site until the
On July 16th, 2011, the Blue Gate restaurant work is finished. Cars using the unfinished road have
is holding an ice cream social. This will include slowed down the process.
Westview School Board
by Luke Pamer
There has been a “pause” on certain technology
7/7/2011 - There was a reorganization of the Board
of Education for the 2011-2012 school year at the summer projects for the school. However, the board
meeting. The reorganization resulted in no changes is sending two employees to Microsoft server training.
for this year. Gerald Lee will be president again. Dave Also, the board is looking to go under contract with a
Mehas will be the vice president, and Carrie Schrock certain company for all of their technological needs.
This will give the board a better look at the “hard cost”
will be the secretary.
The board approved their reimbursement at the that technology is taking up in their budget. Randy
meeting. Currently school board members make $2,000 Zimmerly is expecting big things ahead for Westview
per year. Plus $25 extra for special evenings (two hours) in the technology department. The board shares the
and $50 extra for any extended meeting (over two same views. It is estimated that within the next five
hours). It was approved for the rate to stay the same. years, students could be bringing their own electronic
The board designated two papers for their legal devices from home and accessing the schools network.
notices. These two papers were the LaGrange Standard This may come as quite a surprise for many people
and the LaGrange News. The Hometown Treasure was who look at Westview as a rural school. There was
even talk of textbooks being a “thing of the past” in
chosen to distribute the schools newsletters.
Superintendent, Randy Zimmerly, says to expect the upcoming years. As a student at the high school,
“significant changes” in the school board policy. This I think the possible chance of getting to use iPads or
is due to new legislation. He will be meeting with the smartphones during school as a learning process is
very exciting. It shows that the school board is looking
NEOLA consultant this month.
There are a few projects in the works for the school. for alternative ways to educate students other than the
Junior high principal, Paul Johnston, said he will need traditional way of teaching. Zimmerly said “it’s kind of
additional lockers for their hallways. Also, the school is amazing to see where it’s going.”
The kindergarten screening went very well this
looking into installing wireless infrastructure. However,
it will take some time to decide and complete. Other year, and according to Cheryl Miller, she was given
projects that are in the works for the school include great help by the eighteen volunteers.
She wanted the school board and the public to be
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