Classified Ads
BENEFIT ADVERTISING POLICY: We offer a $40 discount on advertising for
any specific benefit event. Up to 100 words of advertising, could run FREE twice in
the classified ads. Larger ads will have the discount deducted from the total bill.
FOUND ADVERTISING POLICY: The Hometown Treasure offers FOUND ads FREE. We ask that you pay for any LOST ads.
BLUE GATE RESTAURANT is now hiring Hosts, Bakery Sales, Servers. Please
apply within at: 195 N Van Buren St.,
Shipshewana, IN 46565.
KNIT? Classes are every Thursday from
6-8 pm. For more info call Ann @ 260499-0008.
on private street bordering Westview
School Corp. complex (5900W 185S Topeka). Approximately 1,744 sq. ft., 3 BR, 2
BA, full partially finished basement. Solid
oak cabinetry & woodwork, lots of closet
space, nice four season sunroom w/ gas
fireplace. Additional detached 2 car garage, large vinyl deck, irrigation system.
---------------------------- M-----------------------------FLAT BED DELIVERIES, wide loads, Asking $175,000. Call: 260-593-2496.
DUMP TRAILER, top soil, duck manure, ------------------------------------------------------------limestone, etc. Roger Kaufman. 260- Rainbow customers be looking for a CERTIFICATE OF TRADE IN ALLOWANCE
for your purchase of the New Rainbow
------------------------4-5-6(R)-------------------------Check out our QUANTITY DISCOUNTS Light. If you purchased your Rainbow
for wedding invitations, napkins, pens, thru the Mission Possible 7 Team at Rainflashlights, mugs, tote bags & many more bow of Shipshewana you will be receiving
items. We do wedding song books & dif- one of these certificates. It is only good
ferent styles of guest books. We also sell for original buyer on the certificate. This
Simple Natural Products & excellent cook certificate is good thru the year 2032.
gifts. Come check us out. Clearspring So make sure you keep it in a safe place.
Creations, 4310S 300W, LaGrange, IN Must have it to be redeemable. Rainbow of
46761. Call for appointment. 260-593- Shipshewana (Mission Possible 7 Team).
We are your local authorized dealer. 2602077 x 1.
----------------------- 1-2-3-4-5------------------------768-7370.
NEED SNACKS AND/OR POP PRO- ------------------------------------------------------------VIDED? We can provide reliable ma- Mattress: WANT A BETTER MATchines and weekly service to keep your TRESS for less money? Full sets startemployees happy! No more running to ing at $165 & up. King, Queen, Twin
the store to try to keep your snack bar sets. Also, Memory Foam Mattress. Will
stocked. We can take care of it for you Deliver. Dusty Lane Home Accessories,
while you focus on the business that 8020W 050N, Shipshewana, IN 46565.
makes you money! Call today, Aurora 260-463-6164.
----------------------- 4-5-6 (R)------------------------Vending, 260-463-4901.
---------------------------- M-----------------------------3 major reasons why to BUY YOUR
auction for hospital bills for Omer & DISTRIBUTOR. 1) only authorized disBillie Miller at the Topeka Fire Station, tributor can offer full Rainbow warranty.
April 13, 2012 4 pm - 7 pm.
2) servicing. 3) Authentic. Care of your
------------------------------------------------------------Rainbow: 1) always clean your separator,
DRIVEWAY REPAIR & GRADING by 2) Never store your Rainbow on water
Maverick Outdoor Maintenance. Call basin, 3) only use Rainbow approved SoluRick, 260-438-2903.
tions w/ your Rainbow, 4) If your Rainbow
--------------------------- 4-5----------------------------needs servicing, please bring it in, we
BLUE GATE RESTAURANT is now hircan help. Rainbow of Shipshewana (Mising Cooks and 3rd shift Bakers. Please
sion Possible 7 Team). We are your local
apply within at: 195 N VanBuren St.
authorized distributor. 260-768-7370.
Shipshewana, IN 46565.
Huge multi-family garage sale, Thurs,
APRIL 12, 8am-5pm. Recliner, Babysitter Club book set, stamps, books, Tupperware, perennials & lots of clothes. Norman
& Edna Sue Miller, 3040S 1000W, Shipshewana, IN 46565 260-593-2888 x 1.
Mailing Services - Do you have a
list of customer addresses ... but you’re
not sure what the best way is to contact
them again? Talk to us! We can add to,
delete from, and update your mailing list
for you; do bulk mailings; and provide
you with alphabetical lists of all your
contacts to make it easy for you to look
someone up. Your best customers are
those that have already bought from you!
We can also help you start collecting that
information if you aren’t already doing
it. Aurora Services, Inc., 260-463-4901.
--------------------------- 4-5-----------------------------
9 USED SKID STEERS: good condition, Bobcat 863, 250, T300, S160; Cat
262, 236B, 480 hrs., enclosed cabs; 07
Takeuchi Tl130, ‘07 Case 465. Richard
Gingerich, 5485W 1350N, Nappanee,
IN 46550. 574-773-0509
RENTAL COTTAGES; most cottages
have air conditioning, 3 bedrooms, 2
full bathrooms, excellent sand bottom
swimming, cottage rental prices range
from $675/wk to $1000/wk plus $60
cleaning fee. Call Sandi 513-248-1671
or cell 513-236-5815.
------------------------ 4-5-6-7--------------------------
Certified ORGANIC HAY, for sale, 4’
x 5’ round & some small square bales.
300 straight six. $1500 OBO. 260-5739232.
Classified Ads
Only $5
for up to 25 words.
Additional words @ 20¢.
Call 260-463-4901
by Friday, April 20,
to get your ad in the
May issue.
The Hometown Treasure · Apr. ‘12 · pg 11