April 2011
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Page 58
SPORTS SCOOP — continued from page 55
our freshman class is motivating enough. We have five
solid freshman that are all going to make an impact
on the team right away.”
As for how they will actually do this season, Mishler
is not for certain though he is optimistic. “I can’t really
answer that (pertaining to how the team will finish).
I’m not psychic but I do know that we have potential
to be a much better team than last year.”
Mishler has a strong point as the Warriors only
lost one senior last season. However, that senior was
All-Conference catcher Chris Miller. Miller will be a
huge loss behind the plate but junior catcher, Darren
Stillson, is capable of filling the void. “I know that
Chris meant a lot to this baseball team. Over the past
few years Chris has been a very great mentor. He has
taught me a lot and I will take that knowledge that he
helped me gain and apply it to the catching job this
season. Myself along side freshman Khole Christner
will be ready to take on the responsibility left by Chris,”
said Stillson.
The Warriors also are excited to have new talented
freshman ready to make an impact this season. “The
addition of Judah Zickafoose, Khole Christner, Tarrin
Beachy, Jamar Weaver, and Hunter Christner will help
us out big time,” said Mishler.
However, freshman are not the only players
expected to make an impact this season. Returning first
baseman, Luke Miller is coming off his outstanding
sophomore campaign as he hit .349 as well as his twenty
RBI’s. Other players expected to make an impact this
season are juniors Adrian B ?[?[??\??\???[?[?\??[??\?Y?\??^H[???]???[?H[[?Z[\???]?[??\?[???\[??\??HH?????[????H?\??[??\??[?[?Z\?\??[?H?]\??[??H[?[?Y?\?\????T?H[??^H??Z?[?]?[??H?Y?KY??\?[??[???]?Y???[??\??X\??????[?[??\??\??[[???H?]\??[??Y?\???[??[?T?H???\??X\???X???\??HX[K???\??]\??[??]?\??\?HZ?HZ[\???[?[?\???\?Y?\??^K[?[[?Z[\???\?[?H?YHX[?H[Y\??]H[?[??X[K?\??\?B??[??HHY?H?X?????]?\??[?[?Z\?\??[???]]Y??X?[H?HX[K?8?'H?Y[???\??\?H\?YX\??\?\?^H?[?[?YX\??\?\?H\?YX\?H?[?]?\??HX?H?^HY??????\?X?[?x?&[H?\??Z[?????][?]?H\?]X??[?\????X?K?H???Y?\?[??Y?\???\?X\??]H[H?\??\?[??]H???????[?x?&[H??[???^HH?[YB??][?\??H[?\??[??]8?&\?[H?[??X[H?[???Y?[HH?^\??[?]??[?^H]?^H???'B?\?YX\?\???[????HH??YYX\???H?\??[??[?H??\?X[[X]\?\?H?X[H?\?[??B?YX\????]?X]?[Z\??K?8?'^H?]??]H\?X??]???RS?????P?USB???%??\??]?8?%?H??\?]]?^?Y??Z[????\??X?]?[?B?[Z\?\?XHB??M?L???M
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