The Hometown Treasure April 2011 | Page 44

April 2011 Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure Page 44 Westview Music Department Students Head To State The Westview High School Music Department represented Westview very well at the State Solo and Ensemble Competition in February. On February 19th, 20 students headed to Perry Meridian High School on the southeast side of Indianapolis to compete in the Vocal Solo and Ensemble Competition and on February Keenan H. Crotty, Devin Bontreger, Jared Berkey, and Seth Bender. Both Seth Bender’s solo and the men’s ensemble missed a gold medal placing by a half point. Zac Mishler received the highest honor of a high school choral solo singer by receiving a perfect score at the state competition! Congratulations Westview Musicians! Back row (left to right): Trevor Geigley, Jonathon Hostetler, Devin Bontreger, Jared Berkey, and Austin Osbun. Middle row: Sarah Johns, Karen Bassett, Michelle Mowery, Brooke Miller, Taylor Jantzi, Hayley Altine, Samantha Anderson, and Briauna Wisler. Front row: Kelsey Dunker, Teddy Berger, Austin Borg, Keenan H. Crotty, Hunter Christner, and Makenzie Bontrager. Solution to Puzzle on Page 5 Hometown Treasure Photo 26th, 2 students headed to North Central High School in Indianapolis to compete in the Instrumental Solo and Ensemble Competition. Students who competed at the state level had to qualify at districts which were held the last weekend of January and the first weekend of February. To qualify, one must receive a gold medal placing in the Group I catagory. In order to perform in the Group I category, one must select a piece of music off of a master list of difficult pieces. Teddy Berger and Jonathan Hostetler both brought home gold medals for WV on February 26th for the instrumental department. Students bringing home gold for the choral department were: Kelsey Dunker, Brooke Miller, Michelle Mowery, Zac Mishler, and the ensemble of Kelsey Dunker, Hayley Altine, Sarah Johns, Makenzie B ??Y?\?^[??[??K[???X][?H?\?\????Y[????[??[???YH?[?\?YY[??\?N??\?[???\??] ?[X[?H[?\????]?[?\?[?B?[??[X?H??X?Z\?\?]\?[?????]???ZY?^K?[?\???\??\?]\?[???[??[H???Y?\???RBHRRUBP?P?UBP?HBH?R?B?S?S?RP?T?QBP?PBSTQB?B??T?QBR?Q?U?UBQBUHBH?U?B?BRQ?PBT?T?QBPBT?VBS?R?B?S?QBQBTS?HBHBSTVQB?B?UBST?PBT?R?QBQSS?U?B??SHP?P?UBSBQBS?HBHBR?B??QS?T?QBP?RPBPBQSQB?B?BUBP?U?HBH?S?Q?US?T?T??B?RQ?QS?QBTT?T?UPBQB?HBHBQ?PBP?PBUT?TQBT???B?B??QBP?QBS?UHVBHBH?Q?T???BB??H????B??HHHBH?H???H????W????H???W????H???B????W????????W????????????????????BBH????????BH?HBH?HBH?H?H????BHBH??Y??\??]\???[??]HY\??Y?B??RBW?BW?????????H?BH????BB?????????HBH????????BHB?W????????H????H????W????BB??H?HBHBH?BW????????????????????????B??HH?HBH?H??