The Holistic Parent | Page 8

UP FRONT | BITS & BITES Here’s your “short” guide to a long-simmer beef bone broth. equipment • tockpot with lid (stainless steel, enamel on S steel or cast iron) • Slotted spoon • Stainless steel colander • Large bowls (glass or stainless) • Fine mesh sieve • Containers, jars, freezer bags and/or ice cube trays to portion off shopping list TIP: Buy the best quality you can find especially if you’re going to simmer for a long period of time. When you use organic produce, there is no need to peel or remove the skins. • 2-3lbs marrow, joint and meaty soup bones • Filtered water • tbsp to 1/4 cup of organic apple cider 2 vinegar, lemon juice or wine (for acid soak) • 1-2 large onion, coarsely chopped • 2-4 carrots, coarsely chopped • 3-5 celery sticks, coarsely chopped • erbs (such as thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, H sage, oregano, winter savory) • 1 bunch of fresh parsley RECIPE A “QUICK” GUIDE TO BONE BROTH Would you ever consider switching up your morning coffee for a cup of warm broth? May sound crazy now but once you understand the benefits of a long-simmer bone broth, you might jump on the boney bandwagon. Besides tasting delicious, bone broth boasts a number of health-boosting properties including reducing inflammation and improving digestion. The idea is that you’re simmering the bones for so long that they actually start to break down. This longextended simmer helps to remove as many minerals and nutrients as possible from the bones. This nutrition powerhouse contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. By the end, so many minerals have leached from the bones that they crumble when pressed lightly between your thumb and forefinger. Bone broth can be used for a wide variety of applications – not just for sipping. Use it as a base for soups and stews, braise and roast meats and vegetables with it, add frozen cubes of broth to your breakfast smoothie and babies’ first foods, replace water with broth in your favourite rice recipes (rice pilaf, risotto, etc.) or simply cook your rice or pasta in it instead of water. If you do chose to go the straight-up route, flavour it with a little sea salt and pepper to your taste (or get creative with other flavourings like garlic, chili flakes o ȁ