The HOA Board Quarterly Winter 2015 Issue #12 | Page 6
GREEN – Long Before It Was In-Vogue
by Steve Economou
andscape beauty is widely accepted to be one of the
largest contributors to curb appeal, and subsequently
– property value.
Many years ago I ran into a very seasoned gardener
who I knew when I was the sole employee at Rainscape
Environmental Management. I asked him how he had
stayed in business all these years through good and bad
times. He had simple but genuine advice – “don’t put
your jobs off and keep your lawns GREEN.” It was true
then and it’s true now.
The beauty of pure turf in spring
The Verrazzano HOA
As spring approaches there is a critical step that must
be taken no later than the end of March. In order
to keep turf areas green and strong year round it is
important not to allow infestations of weeds and
undesirable warm seasonal grasses that turn brown in
winter. Fortunately, there are chemicals that can stop
these infestations before they begin. These products
are known as pre-emergent herbicides. The granular
chemicals should be spread on all turf areas BEFORE
temperatures start to warn in an effort to stop the seeds
of weeds and other grasses from germinating. There are
a variety of products ranging in cost and effectiveness.
It is important to ensure that your Association has a
professional landscape management company in place.
If you do, then these applications should be taking place
automatically. Confer with your Landscape Manager.
Ask what product has been applied and exactly when.
The question to ask is:
“Have we or when will we be applying pre-emergent
herbicides on the turf areas?”
California state regulations require that a log of such
applications be maintained so such information should
6 | The HOA Board Quarterly | Issue #12 | Winter 2015
be readily available to your Manager. The careful
and proactive maintenance of your turf will result
in grass areas that remain green year round and last
for decades. HOA
Contributed by Steve Economu,
Rainscape Environmental Management
[email protected] or
visit them at