The HOA Board Quarterly Winter 2015 Issue #12 | Page 4

DO WE LOVE TO BE GOVERNED? • Assessments obligations and lien/ collection rights • Duty to insure Dispute resolution and attorneys’ fees provisions Condominium Plan: This is filed by the Declarant prior to the construction of the development and consists of a diagrammatic description that identifies the boundaries of units, some or all of the exclusive use common areas (such as balconies, patios, storage areas and parking spaces) and the common areas. Condo plans are used with condominium developments (PUDs), not planned developments. PUDs use a tract map which provides a two-dimensional description of individual ownership. Rules and regulations: Your rules are like state laws. Just as legislators in Sacramento pass laws consistent with the constitution, the Board of Directors may adopt reasonable rules consistent with the CC&Rs. For example, if your CC&Rs allow owners to have a dog, boards can pass rules requiring that dogs be on a leash and not be a nuisance, such as barking excessively. Accordingly, an association’s rules typically cover pets, parking, signs, nuisance noise, use of recreational facilities, etc. Remember, the rules of your community are there for everyone, and the owners can obtain the full benefits of their HOA by attending meetings and becoming familiar with the governing documents. Just as the Association has its responsibilities, so do the owners. When both parties-the governing and the governedwork together to make and abide by the rules of the community, the strong traditions of our collective past are best appreciated. HOA Contributed by; Brian Blackwell, CCAM, CEO / Senior Manager West Coast Management Firm, Inc. 619.704.7393 [email protected] or visit them at BEST SERVICE...GUARANTEED! We’ll make it right or refund your money. For the most effective and well-oiled operation, In addition to the main documents above, community associations are wise to adopt policies to clarify specific required/recommended actions and eliminate gray areas and appearances of favoritism. Some recommended policies include: • • • • Call today! (866) 506-1290 Architectural Guidelines Solar Policy Plumbing Policy Electric Vehicle Policy There are many more policies and guidelines that could be considered for your particular community. While the CC&Rs and the Bylaws cannot be contradicted, it’s helpful to have policies that provide specific details and instructions for easily determining what an owner should do in the event of water intrusion (Plumbing Policy), solar installation (Solar Policy), purchase of an electric vehicle (Electric Vehicle Policy), etc. These policies, best reviewed by the Association’s legal counsel prior to final adoption, are an excellent tool in helping all owners understand necessary steps to comply with the governing documents and assist in organized and consistent protocols. 4 | The HOA Board Quarterly | Issue #12 | Winter 2015 pLUMBiNG • Water heaters – gas, electric, tankless • Sinks, faucets, showers, toilets, disposals DrAiN CLeANiNG & SeWer • Video sewer inspection • Sewer repair & replacement Licensed & insured. General Liability & Worker’s Comp. 88 $ 50 $ drain cleaning special* Off any repairs* (866) 506-1290 (866) 506-1290 Offer expireS 9/20/14 Offer expireS 9/20/14 88 $ drain & flush of hot water heater & home inspection* (866) 506-1290 Offer expireS 9/20/14 *Valid at participating ARS®/Rescue Rooter® Network locations. Must have clean-out access for drain cleanings. Not valid for third party, new construction customers, with any other offers or discounts, or prior sales. Coupon required at time of service. Void if copied or transferred and where prohibited. See service center for details. Any other use may constitute fraud. Cash value $.001. © 2014 American Residential Services LLC. All rights reserved. License # 791820, 765155 8107 PLUMBING • DRAIN CLEANING • SEWER LINES N ET WO RK U N i t e d by e xc e p t i o N a l s e r v i c e ®