The Hitching Post February 2014 | Page 3


A warm welcome to all SDHR breeders, owners, and fans! This is the first edition of The Hitching Post - the SDHR's quarterly newsletter.

Our goal is to provide readers with SDHR news and updates, as well as valuable information on everything equine. From horse conformation and health information to product reviews, we will do our best to provide you with interesting and educational content.

Please, keep this in mind when reading any article we present in this newsletter: if you truly have questions or concerns about the care of any horse, your veterinarian should be consulted. No article on equine health should be taken as your only source of information on any topic.

We are not veterinarians and cannot replace the valuable

knowledge, experience, and advice a medical professional would provide.

Everything you will find in this newsletter was provided by a volunteer. A heartfelt thanks is due to all those who give their time to making this orginization run and who helped make this newsletter a reality. Thank you! This would not be a possibility without your efforts.

Everyone else can help too! Please, share your views, stories, pictures, and achievements with us. You could be featured in our next issue. Suggestions for future articles, equine related questions you would like to have answered, and feedback are all appreciated. This newsletter cannot grow and improve without your input.

Thank you for reading. We hope you enjoy our first issue!


Shannon Hamburger

[email protected]

The Hitching Post/February, 2014 3


©Stephen L. Evans Photography