The Hitching Post February 2014 | Page 14

14 The Hitching Post/February, 2014

As True As Steel

As True As Steel – also known as Tybalt or Tybs – is an eight year old SDHR gelding own by Jaclyn Kulakowski who currently resides in Bristol, Wisconsin. This pair has competed in Hunter Under Saddle shows and continues to participate in charity trail rides whenever they can. When he is not supporting horse rescue and rehabilitation programs, Tybalt also gives lessons to adults and children alike. This handsome breed ambassador is 16 hands of personality and heart.

Tybalt exhibits many of the characteristics Sugarbush Draft horses are known and loved for.

Jaclyn describes him thus: “First and most of all he is a people horse, he wants to be with you as much as possible. He also loves children and all other animals, especially dogs and ponies. He is forward, sporty, and fun for experienced riders and a trusted, quiet mount for beginners and children. He is smart as a whip, learning new things quickly, and he has a silly, fun loving personality that has us laughing all the time. On trails he is steady and can’t be shaken. He will cross bridges, moving water, and dark ditches without a second thought. He will calmly and confidently lead the

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