confuse them with the term "organic." Only foods that are grown and processed according to USDA organic standards can be labeled organic. Conventional growers use pesticides to protect their crops from molds, insects and diseases. When farmers spray pesticides, this can leave residue on produce. Some people buy organic food to limit their exposure to these residues. According to the USDA, organic produce carries significantly fewer pesticide residues than does conventional produce. However, residues on most products — both organic and nonorganic — don't exceed government safety thresholds. Washing helps remove dirt, bacteria and traces of chemicals from the surface of fruits and vegetables. Not all pesticide residues can be removed by washing, though. You can also peel fruits and vegetables, but peeling can mean losing some fiber and nutrients. When it comes to your meats free range/cage free and no growth hormones are the best ways to go. There is also soy meat witch is really good and tofu meat is also a good to eat.
Some pictures are from the internet and some are mine. I thank my teacher Mrs.Jessen for the best class ever. I hope this helped you and I hope I can create more magazines about ways to help people who are having a hard time with their bodies. I hope you like it. I had a fun time making this.